XXIII. A Strange Feeling

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Faith grinned with mischief as she pushed past the gym doors. The gym was cleared out with the exception of paper cups on the floor and two students with Klaus and Elena. "Well, this definitely brings back memories."

"Faith," Elena gasped at the sight of the siphoner. She looked healthier and happier than the last time she saw her. She had barely any visible scars from where she bled and her style of clothes changed as well. From wearing clothes that barely showed any skin, now she wore a black spaghetti-strapped crop top and a high waisted layered ruffled skirt in a pastel blue color. "You're with Klaus? He killed your mother."

"You mean the abusive sociopathic woman that was my mother?" Faith corrected as she neared them. "Then yes, he did."

"Where's Stefan?" Elena glanced at the hybrid as Faith circled around a teen girl holding her foot up and a male student with interest. "What did you do to him?"

"Stefan's on a time out," Klaus answered with his arms crossed.

Faith pushed the girl's shoulder with her finger and smirked when she almost lost her balance. "What happens if she falls?"

"Chad, here," Klaus motioned at the young male with his hand and smirked. "Will beat her to death."

"Hmm," Faith hummed with her blue eyes shining. "Hello, Bennett."

They all turned around to look at the witch and Matt walking over to them. Faith grinned with mischief as Elena yelled at them to get out of the gym. Klaus vamp-speed behind Bonnie. "Ah, I was wondering when you'd show up. Now we can get started."

He glanced at the two human teenagers next to Faith. "Dana, why don't you relax? You and Chad sit tight." He looked back down at Bonnie, "I assume you're the reason Elena's still walking around alive?"

"That's right. If you want to blame someone, blame me," Bonnie said, oh so heroically.

"Sadly, that's not the case," Faith walked up behind Elena and placed her hands on the doppelgänger. The brunette glanced at the siphoner with a scared look. "Your witchy interference caused some bloody side effects and since you caused the problem, Klaus wants you to find out how to fix it."

The gym doors squeaked open and in came Rebekah pushing Tyler forward with his arm twisted behind his back. "Get off of me!" Tyler struggled to break free from the Original's grip.

"Hush now," Rebekah told him as she stopped next to her brother.

"I'd like you all to meet my sister Rebekah. Word of warning, she can be quite mean," Klaus smirked.

"Don't be an ass," Rebekah retorted and pushed the werewolf into Klaus' arms.

"Leave him alone!" Elena yelled.

Faith pulled the brunette's hair back and held her in place. She looked into the girl's eyes with amusement as Elena stared back with shock and fright. "Usually, I don't pull another girl's hair but I'm willing to make an exemption for you. You're just so annoying, really."

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