XLIV. Comfort

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Klaus threw the vampire to the side after having bitten him on the neck. Faith glanced at the vampire, dismissively before turning to Hayley, who was on the ground.

"You came," she said.

"Well, you did say it was urgent," Klaus said.

"It's nice to see you again, wolf girl," Faith looked at her. "Still sticking your nose in places it shouldn't be, I see."

"You were foolish enough to make a deal with Katerina Petrova. She used you to find the cure and now you're nothing but a loose end. You'll be lucky if she lets you live," Klaus explained.

Hayley walked past the couple. "You said you'll protect me."

"Depends on what you know about Katerina," Faith smirked. "So I would start talking."

• • • •

"Most men get their power kick from torture and intimidation. With you, it's drinks and fine dining," Hayley said with a glass of wine in hand.

"You should be thanking me," Faith entered the dining area. She wore a large simple red shirt and black shorts. She ran a hand through her wet hair before sitting down next to Klaus. "But then again, he could change his mind."

"Where is Katerina?" Klaus asked.

"You seriously think I know?" Hayley asked instead.

Faith took a bite of her food and waved her fork at Hayley. "I like to think everyone has their own leverage in life and we like to know what's yours."

"Tell me," Klaus narrowed his eyes on the werewolf. "What did Katerina promise you?"

Hayley glanced between the couple before setting down her glass and leaning forward in her chair. "I was in New Orleans trying to find information about my real parents. Katherine found me and told me she could help."

"An orphan?" Klaus inquired with his eyebrows raised. "Well, that does explain your charming bravado. Abandonment issues will do it every time."

"Sounds like you would know."

"I'm the only one that can protect you. I'm happy to do so, provided you cooperate."

"Do we have orange juice?" Faith asked, looking at Klaus. The hybrid only smiled at her in amusement and she sighed. "Of course we don't."

Hayley simply stared at the scene in front of her. She watched the way the deadliest and Original hybrid stared at the eighteen-year-old siphoner with smitten eyes. She frowned before draining her drink.

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"Rebekah just informed us that your little vampire friend died, so you're free to go or stay," Faith entered the room the werewolf was staying.

"I could be persuaded to stay, enjoy some of the good life," Hayley thought aloud. "And maybe I could drum up a few more of Katherine's secrets and you could do something for me."

Faith raised her eyebrow at her. "Really now? Like, convince Klaus to leave Tyler alone? That's never going to happen, wolf."

Hayley stayed quiet before calling out to the siphoner before she left the room. "Tyler told me about your parents."

"And what?" Faith asked. "You'll think that we have the same experience, that we'll bond over it? Don't make me laugh."

The siphoner narrowed her eyes on the werewolf as she stepped closer. Faith stepped back, not knowing what Hayley was planning. "Are you leaving or staying?"

"I don't know," she whispered, looking straight into the siphoner's eyes. "You tell me."

Faith burst out laughing. "I'm sorry, but are you trying to flirt with me? Sorry, wolf, but I don't swing that way and even if I did, I'm not a cheater."

The werewolf scowled and turned around. Faith then looked at her exposed shoulder. "I've seen that mark before."

Hayley glanced at what she was looking at. "It's a birthmark. People have those."

"No shit," Faith mocked before turning serious. "That mark is from a bloodline, a werewolf one. A pack of werewolves in Louisiana."

"Don't you lie to me," Hayley grew angry.

"And why would I do that?" Faith countered back. "And I don't joke around about family."

"Tell me," the werewolf urged.

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After the werewolf left, Faith made her way into Klaus' room. Once she entered, she was immediately swept off her feet and she let out a small scream of surprise.

"What the hell, Klaus?" She glared at him.

He laughed, looking at her. "I've been waiting since this morning."

"Waiting for what?"

Soon, she realized what position she was in. Her legs were wrapped around him as he supported her with his hands under her thighs. Getting in the mood, she leaned closer to the hybrid with her arms loosely on his shoulders. "You usually don't wait, Nik."

Their eyes clouded as they stared at each other and the tension grew. None of them wanted to break. Feeling her breaking point, Faith licked her lips and neared the hybrid's lips, but stopped before she could even kiss him.

She grinned when she noticed him clench his jaw. She rolled her eyes in defeat before planting her lips on top of his. Not giving her any control, Klaus moved his lips on top of hers. They continued to make out as Klaus vamp sped them against a table in his room. Faith quickly pulled his shirt off with him copying her actions.

She sat on the edge of the table with Klaus' hands, now on her hips as he continued to kiss her. Impatiently, Klaus pulled her hips toward him causing her back to make contact with the table. Soon, he got on top of her and began to kiss her neck.

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With eyes half opened, Faith trailed the tattoo on Klaus' shoulder. White bedsheets were entangled around them, covering their naked bodies. Her eyes trailed to the hickeys on the hybrid's neck and couldn't help but feel satisfied.

"You have your own," Klaus smirked, his eyes on her own hickeys around her neck and collarbone.

"But mine are better," Faith said, playfully.

He smiled down at her. Her head laid on top of his chest and her arms on top of his body with their legs intertwined. She always told him how she loved tattoos and how interesting some are.

She sighed with content after pulling the blanket over her body and burying herself around it. Klaus pulled her closer toward him. He loves having her around him. Despite being part werewolf, he loves the warmth of her body. He was so used to the coldness and the lack of affection from his family.

Faith loves the way he brought her closer toward him. She felt loved when he did that. Of course, that's not the only time she does, but it's one of her favorite actions of his that he does.

They brought each other comfort after everything that has happened in their pasts and everyday life.

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