XXXVII. Apology

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Faith frowned as April raised the two dresses in her hands up. One was red and the other blue. It was the annual Miss Mystic Falls pageant. She loathed the day.

"So which one?" April asked.

"I don't know," she shrugged. "Whatever you want. You're the one in the pageant, not me."

"But you were runner up for Miss Mystic Falls," April insisted.

"Yeah, runner up," Faith stood up from the small couch in the room. "I didn't win, my mother made sure to remind me."

"I'm sorry," April suddenly said, confusing the siphoner. "I didn't know this was a bad day for you."

Faith raised an eyebrow in surprise before smiling at the girl. "I can see why Rebekah likes you. You're pretty decent. Innocent."

"You're acting like you're not," April shrugged.

"Have you ever had sex?" Faith asked, amusingly. "I'm sure you've drunk since you're friends with Rebekah, but have you gotten high? Skipped school?"

When the girl stayed silent, Faith grinned. "Relax, you're only what? Sixteen, you'll live."

"You're a year older than me," April deadpanned, correcting her.

Faith only shrugged before she left the room to find some champagne.

Faith wore a silk v-neck coral skater dress that was backless and thin straps that hid underneath her raven hair. Her black heeled sandals tapped against the tiled floor of the Lockwood mansion before she made it to the back where all the decorations were being put.

Faith smiled at the busboy as she took two glasses of champagne. She was drinking one of them when she heard a familiar voice from behind her. "Didn't think you would still be here, Faith."

"Well, I haven't found Rebekah, and Klaus wouldn't tell me," Faith turned around to see Tyler with the werewolf she almost killed. She raised an eyebrow at their hand-holding. "I thought the three of you were only faking it? Or is it real?"

She rolled her eyes at Tyler's wide eyes. "Don't look so shocked. I only know about the faking, though I don't know why and I don't practically care."

"How did you manage to date the big bad hybrid?" Hayley questioned the siphoner. "And how are you still alive even after breaking up? Or are you that good at sex?"

"I don't know," Faith smirked at the werewolf, causing her smirk to falter. "You can ask Tyler. We had plenty of sex back in sophomore year. Or maybe Jeremy, you know Elena's brother, or maybe my one night stands."

She stepped forward, threatening at the werewolf. "You can't slut-shame me, skank. You make it seem like having sex is such a sin when it's none of your business. You might not understand why I love Klaus, but I don't have to explain it to you. At least I'm not the one destroying other couple's relationships."

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