XXVIII. Survivor

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Faith walked in front of Damon as the vampire trailed after her while speaking on the phone. Once her eyes caught sight of the familiar Original across the field, she smiled and rushed forward. Immediately, her arms wrapped around his neck before pulling away from him.

"I'm so glad you're alive," Faith smiled despite feeling a lump in her throat. "A-again."

"What's wrong?" Elijah asked as tears began falling down the siphoner's face.

And for the first time since her mother's attack, Faith cried. She broke down and cried. Elijah pulled her into a hug as she buried her face into his chest. He combed through her hair as comfort before speaking, softly. "What happened, Faith?"

"M-my m-mother," Faith whimpered. "S-she attacked m-me."

"But she's dead," Elijah said, confused.

"T-there was a-a ghost problem," Faith stuttered as she tried to calm down. She wasn't able to as she continued to cry. "She killed my dad, Elijah! She's the reason why he died in that car accident! She hated me because my dad loved me more than her! What kind of mother does that? She was supposed to love me, unconditionally!"

Her throat hurt as her emotions just let out. She just felt dead inside. She didn't want to do anything. All she wanted was to jump off a bridge and escape. She wanted to see her father again. Faith knew it was selfish to think that, especially while having Dani in her life. She just couldn't take it.

"Hey," Elijah spoke, softly. "She didn't deserve to be a mother, Faith. I know you wanted her approval and for her to love you, your whole life. But she didn't deserve your love for her. Whatever she said to you is wrong. You're not weak. You're not an abomination."

"You're Faith Everly, a survivor," Elijah continued. "You might not be a witch, but that doesn't mean you're not strong. You could take down a handful of vampires if you wanted to and you're smart. You're also allowed to care about people and fall in love. It might not be easy to do so, but you will get there. You already have me as someone who cares and loves you, Faith. Your mother is wrong and she always was."

"Because you're allowed to love and to be free from anyone. You don't need anyone to control you," Elijah smiled at her and wiped her tears away with his handkerchief.

Faith sniffled and smiled, despite her red nose and puffy eyes. "I'm allowed to be free, loved, and to love."

"And you have me," Damon said with a half-smile.

Faith rolled her eyes but smiled. "I have you too." She wiped the corners of her eyes with the handkerchief and sniffled. "You can have your little meeting now. I'll just be over at that tree over there."

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The raven-haired girl stood in between the Salvatore brothers as they waited for the door to open. Faith grinned at the sight of Elijah once he opened the door. "Niklaus, our guests are here," he called out.

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