XIX. Old Scars

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Faith was running late for school. She had woken up with a voicemail from her mother that she didn't listen to since she was rushing to find some clothes. All her clothes were either dirty and needed cleaning or in her apartment in New Orleans. She could only find a thin long sleeve gray crop top and high waisted shorts that went down a little lower than her mid-thighs. Faith had never worn anything that was shorter than knee length since she had many scars on her thighs made by her mother.

But she didn't have much of a choice to look for anything else. She would rather have everyone in school see her scars than a call be made to her mother saying she was late for class.

She combed her frizzy curly hair back with her hand as she appeared in the empty hallway in front of Alaric's classroom. She grabbed the handle to pull it open but it was locked. Alaric never locked the door or closed it.

She knocked on the door and seconds later it swung open to reveal Alaric. She showed him the dual mischievous smile. "Hey, Ric. Sorry, I'm late, I had car trouble."

Klaus looked at the girl in front of him. It was Faith Everly. She looked the same as the picture Circe had shown him in the morning. She also looked like the little girl in Elijah's picture that he carried in his pocket except older.

"Um, are you going to let me in?" Faith questioned as Alaric looked at her weirdly. She frowned as the history teacher stepped to the side, letting her pass him. He didn't show her the usual awkward smile he has, especially since she was the enemy to them.

She narrowed her eyes to Alaric as he continued class. Something was off about him.

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Faith got stuck painting posters for the 60's dance during lunch. She hadn't eaten since the dinner party, not like it mattered to her much. However, she still needed something to eat before her body shut down.

"What? What are you gonna do?"

Faith looked up to see Jeremy and Bonnie walking up to the cafeteria table she was using to paint the posters. They looked at each other with intensity. Not the kind where they want to make out, the kind where they were fighting. They didn't seem to realize Faith was across the table from them as she listened to their conversation.

The siphoner tightened the grip on her paintbrush as Elena walked up to the couple with a lunch tray. "Hey, Jer. How are you doing? Are you okay at the house alone with John?"

"It's not ideal," Jeremy said, dismissively. His eyes are still on his girlfriend.

"You haven't heard from Jenna, have you?" Elena asked, oblivious to the tension between the couple.

"It looks like she's staying on campus. Look I'm...I'm late for class," he said and left the two girls.

The two friends looked at each other and made a movement to sit down.

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