XXVI. Back To Square One

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The whole day, Faith spent it either drinking and getting high or sleeping. As Damon put it when he visited her in one of the Salvatore rooms, she was back to being sad and depressed Faith.

It was late evening when Faith woke up again. The sound of something smashing and sniffles woke her up. She pulled a silky black robe over her small body and let out groans of pain when she stood up from the bed. Damon had told her what after she passed out from blood and how she woke up in one of the Salvatore rooms.

Slowly, she walked down the stairs and arrived in the living room. Near the fireplace, Rebekah sat on the floor, crying with the living room sprawled around her. Faith's expression softened at the crying blonde and walked over her. She wrapped her sore arms around the vampire and pulled her into a hug. Rebekah's head rested on the siphoner's shoulder as Faith played with her hair to calm her down.

"What's wrong?" Faith whispered.

"Klaus," the vampire whimpered. "H-he-"

Faith frowned with worry at the mention of the hybrid. "Did something happen to him? Or did he do something?"

"He killed our mother," Rebekah cried into her shoulder.

Her blue eyes widened at the sentence. She didn't really know what to say to her. Faith hated her mother with every bone in her body. She only lived with her father until the age of six before he died. Last night's event was the only other time she was able to see her father.

"He has a tendency to do that," Faith mumbled without thinking.

Rebekah pulled away and glared at the siphoner. Faith smiled, awkwardly at the vampire as she felt slightly frightened by the blonde, especially since black mascara was running down her face. "Sorry, too soon."

She wrapped her arms around the blonde. The two girls just sat in the living room with arms wrapped around each other, letting their bodies relax.

"You smell like alcohol and weed. You need a bloody shower."

"Now, that's just being rude, Rebekah."

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Faith along with the Salvatore brothers and Elena watched as Rebekah spoke through the phone with his brother about Mikael's 'death'.

"Yes," Rebekah's eyes traveled toward Faith. The siphoner looked like she wanted to be anywhere else as she slowly ate a slice of cheesecake on a stool with a fork. "She's right here."

The blonde held the phone out to Faith. Her eyebrows furrowed at the phone before placing her plate and fork on a table before holding the phone to her ear. "I can't be compelled, Klaus."

"I know, love," his voice filled her ears. "Stefan told me about your mother."

Faith glared harshly at the vampire. 'You told him?!' She mouthed the words at the vampire. She combed her hair back as all eyes were on her. "Uh, yeah. Well, anyways, come back to take your father's body. He's kind of a waste of space."

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