VII. Ancestor

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Faith combed her hands through her frizzy semi-curl hair back, pulling into a high ponytail as she walked down the empty hallway as fast as she could. It's been a month since the day Vicki Donovan died and since Faith went on a drinking binge. Of course, the siphoner made sure to not drink any of the luxurious alcoholic drinks her mother had in the house. She had also haven't talked to Elena, the Salvatore brothers, and everyone else in the small town.

Passing by the trophy display case, Faith used it as a mirror to make sure she didn't look like a high school junkie before she made her way to her history class. She creaked the classroom door open causing an unfamiliar voice to stop talking.

"I'm sorry," she flashed her believable fake smile at the unknown man, glancing at the chalkboard behind him. The name 'Alaric Saltzman' read across the board as Faith stepped inside the classroom. "I had car trouble this morning, Mr. Saltzman."

"Please, like I told your class, call me; Ric," The teacher told her, smiling awkwardly. "Have a seat, Ms...."

"Faith Everly," she told her name as she sat down on an empty desk in the front row of the classroom.

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Faith sighed as she sat down at a random picnic table in the courtyard. Groaning, she pulled out her journal and school books to finish all the school assignments she had been putting away for the past weeks. She heard someone sit down in front of her, but chose to ignore them as she continued to write down notes in her journal.

"Faith," Bonnie leaned over the table, trying to catch her friend's attention. "I need to talk to you about something."

"Go talk to Elena," she dismissed her, keeping her eyes down as she flipped a page on her history book.

Bonnie frowned as Elena made her way to the two teen girls. The brunette was mostly worried about Faith blowing up on Bonnie, even though she knew the latter was also a witch.

Faith motioned to the doppelganger who sat down next to Bonnie. "See, she's right there. Now can both of you leave? I need to get my grades up before they have to call my mother."

"But-" Bonnie protested.

"Not now, Bonnie," Faith growled, her blue eyes narrowing in anger as her hand clenched onto her pencil.

"I know about you being a witch," Bonnie blurted out, surprising Elena that she told Faith. "And I need your help."

"You and everyone else in this town," Faith grumbled, but sighed and her blue eyes met with Bonnie's olive-green eyes. "Fine. What do you want?"

Bonnie narrowed her eyes on Faith's tone of voice. "Why are you acting so differently?"

"It comes with knowing I'm a witch, just ask Elena," Faith responded and raised her eyebrow at the newfound witch. "Now do you want my help or do you want me to make the two of you leave?"

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