XX. Free

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Crystal blue eyes moved slowly to the side as a groan escaped from Faith's lips. The colors orange and yellow invaded her vision until she laid on her back. The silver full moon stared down at her along with the pitch-black night sky.

The white-hot pain she felt throughout her body disoriented her. Her arms wrapped themselves around her body as she let out another groan of pain. Her breathing was abnormally slow and she could only hear the chains on her wrists clanging against each other at every movement she made.

She gasped while struggling to move to lay on her side. Despite her open bleeding wounds, she managed to lay on her side. The grass and dirt began to infect her open wounds as Faith tried to make sense of what was happening around her.

Brown eyes met with her's. The girl in front of her tried to rush toward her but the ring of fire stopped her from doing so. "Faith! It's okay! You're going to be okay!"

Faith tried her best to figure out who the person in front of her was, but couldn't. The spell Circe cast on her made her disoriented and hard to concentrate. "I-I...what's happening?"

"We're almost done."

The fire around Faith dispersed and a man caught her attention. He crouched down next to the siphoner. He gently moved her raven hair out of her face. Her crystal blue eyes were filled with tears as her chest heaved up and down.

"The spell won't interfere with the curse, right, Circe?" Klaus questioned, looking at Faith.

"It shouldn't," Circe smirked. She was delighted with the fact that her daughter would die in a few minutes and she wouldn't have to bother with her anymore. "Her magic would begin the breaking of the curse and when you drink the blood of the doppelgänger, the curse would break completely."

Klaus hummed and a smile appeared on his lips. In seconds, the vampire appeared in front of Circe with his hand clasped around the witch's neck.

"Klaus?" She croaked out. "What are you doing?"

"You lied to me," he growled. "You said the spell would make it easier for her magic to be used. She's not a witch, Circe."

Her emerald eyes widened. "Klaus, I beg of you. You would need me when the curse is broken. T-to make your hybrids. You can't kill me."

"I have your daughter for that," he remarked.

He removed his hand from her neck and pushed her toward the ceremonial bowl. Greta reached for the witch's hand and continued to chant. Circe struggled to pry away from the chanting witch, but couldn't as Klaus held her still. Circe could feel her magic being forcibly removed from her body and she continued to weaken.

"I know what you've done to her even while knowing my family's history," Klaus said next to the witch's ear. "And my brother holds your daughter dear to him. I wouldn't want to anger him more than he already is."

"She won't survive a day," Circe hissed.

The ceremonial bowl flames lit even more intensely. Without much thought, Klaus placed his hand behind Circe's neck and snapped it. The abusive mother dropped to the ground lifeless.

Faith felt her eyelids heavy as her breathing continued to weaken. After a few minutes, she could faintly hear the sound of bones snapping and growls of pain. She couldn't keep her eyes open much longer as she submitted under her pain and tiredness.

There were yells as chaos abrupted.

Elijah appeared next to Faith. He looked at her in worry as he took in her appearance. She was weak and her breathing was slowing down to the point where it seemed she wasn't breathing at all. He could hear her heart pounding painfully slow against her chest, ready to give up. Immediately, he bit into his wrist and fed the siphoner his blood.

A wave of relief washed over the Original as she drank his blood. Her wounds healed and only dried blood covered her. He picked her up as he arrived in front of his younger brother.

"Elijah?" Klaus looked up at his brother with the raven-haired girl in his arms.

He carefully laid Faith down back on the ground a few feet away from them. He returned to Klaus with an emotionless expression. "Hello, brother," He plunged his arm into Klaus' chest, grabbing onto his heart. "In the name of our family, Niklaus..."

"I didn't bury them at sea!" Klaus told him, abruptly.

"What?" Elijah paused.

"Their bodies are safe. If you kill me, you'll never find them," Klaus warned.

"Elijah! Don't listen to him," Stefan argued.

"Elijah. I can take you to them. I give you my word...brother," Klaus promised.

"Do it and I'll take you both out," Bonnie threatened.

"You'll die," Elijah stated.

"I don't care," she glowered.

He looked at Klaus then at Bonnie and Stefan. "I'm sorry."

Bonnie and Stefan rushed toward them but didn't make it time. Elijah has taken off with Klaus.

"He took Faith," Stefan pointed out, looking at the spot where the Original had placed the siphoner. They all knew the truth about Faith from being a siphoner to knowing about her mother.

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Klaus stepped inside the room where Faith had woken up. Stefan took it upon himself to tell the siphoner the details of what happened the night of the breaking the curse. He was ready to leave to look for werewolves to create his hybrids with his trusty sidekick ripper.

Faith had tears streaming down her pale face as she sat on a bed. Stefan stood in the room with arms crossed. They both looked up at the sight of the hybrid.

Faith sniffled and rushed toward the hybrid. Klaus stiffened at the sudden arms wrapped around him. Faith pulled away and smiled at him.

"I know you don't care about me, but thank you," Faith said, gratefully. "You killed my mother for your needs, but still thank you."

Faith smiled at the hybrid. A true smile. She hadn't smiled in a long time. When Stefan told her that her mother had died, a wave of relief washed over her. She felt like the weight on her chest was lifted and she could finally breathe freely. She didn't have to worry about her mother or having to follow her abusive rules. She didn't have any chains holding her down.

She was finally free.

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Ahhhh!! I actually finish!! I seriously thought I'll stop writing this story halfway if I'm being honest 😂. I will be posting the second part of the story either tomorrow or on the weekend. But I'll probably get inpatient and upload it in a few hours.

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