XXXVI. Vodka Shot

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A month later

Dani giggled as she ran toward her mother who smiled at the sight of the little girl. Her small arms wrapped around Faith's leg and she looked up at her. "Momma, can we make cookies? With chocolate chips!"

Faith's hand ran through the girl's brown hair adoringly. "Sure," she smiled before holding her small hand into hers. Faith grabbed her daughter's bag before they walked away from the playground.

After a batch of burnt cookies, Faith was able to make some decent batch of chocolate chip cookies for Dani. The little girl skipped to her seat before waiting eagerly for her plate of cookies. Faith blew a strand of raven hair away from her face before placing a white plate of cookies and half a glass of milk in front of her daughter. She smiled, lovingly as she watched Dani eat the cookies.

Her blue eyes darted to her phone that began to ring from the coffee table in the living room. "Keep eating," she reassured her daughter before getting up from the table.

Dani never liked it when someone called Faith since it usually meant her mother was going to leave.

"Hello?" Faith asked.

"Um, is this...Faith?" an unfamiliar voice came from the other line.

"Yes," she drew out. "Who is this?"

"I'm April Young," she stammered. "Rebekah said to call you if anything happened to her."

Immediately, a bad feeling settled inside of Faith. "What do you mean something?"

"That's the thing," April trailed off. "I haven't seen her for a couple of days. No one seems to know where she is. She was supposed to help me find the truth behind my father's death."

"Ah," Faith realized. "You're Pastor Young's daughter. The girl Elena used to babysit, right?"

"Uh, Yeah," April said. "Could you please help me find Rebekah?"

Faith glanced at her daughter, who was filling down the milk. Inner conflict brewed inside of the siphoner. She wanted to find where Rebekah was since she wasn't the type to just disappear out of nowhere, but Faith didn't want to leave Dani. She couldn't just take the little girl with her to Mystic Falls, especially since she was sure Elena still had no control over her bloodlust. She was better off being in New Orleans where Marcel could protect her.

"I'll be there in a few," she answered before hanging up.

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"Well, maybe if you had let Dean use force on Connor instead of sending him in on a suicide mission," Hayley glowered at the drunk Original hybrid.

"Maybe you should mind your business, wolf girl," Klaus threatened.

Suddenly, Hayley was grabbed from behind. Her hazel green eyes glanced at Tyler in surprise and fear as she was held in a headlock. Both hybrids looked at Faith in shock. The siphoner smirked as she kept her hold on the werewolf's head before kicking her in the back of the leg. Hayley dropped to her knees, but Faith kept her headlock.

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