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"Baby, you know we can't do this right now. Your family is right downstairs,"
Benji groans as Jorge grinds down on him. Benji knew where it was leading when Jorge climbed on top of him while they kissed. Honestly, he wanted to fuck his baby so bad. More than anything he wanted to be inside Jorge and make him feel good. He just didn't want to risk Jorge's family hearing them.

"I guess you'll just have to force me to be quiet then," Jorge smirks down at Benji. Benji sighs.

"Daddy, feel how hard I am right now?" Jorge moves Benji's hand to the front of his pant. "At least let me make you feel good." Benji moans into Jorge's neck. Usually Benji is the one to talk dirty and Jorge loves it, but sometimes when Jorge gets a little extra confident Benji couldn't shut him up. Not that he wanted to, Benji loves how the dirty words fall off Jorge's lips.

Jorge crawls down in between Benji's legs and tugs at his pants. Benji raises his hips to help him take his pants off. Jorge throws them off the bed and onto the floor somewhere but quickly turns back around to give Benji his full attention.

He looks at Benji's length before taking the tip into his mouth. Benji was big so Jorge couldn't fit it all in, but he did his best and used his hand for the rest.

"Fuck, baby. You're so fucking sexy." Jorge looks up at Benji with his dick still in his mouth. "Look at me again."

Benji grabs Jorge's hair with one hand, lightly tugging on it. With his other hand he rubs his thumb across Jorge's cheek. He knows Jorge likes it rough, but he wants to make sure he's okay and enjoying himself.

Jorge moans on Benji's dick before coming up for air.

"Fuck me," Jorge whines, "please."

"Beg, baby."

Jorge pumps Benji with one hand and palms himself with his other. "Daddy please fuck me. I'll be good, I promise."

Benji pulls Jorge up so he's straddling Benji again. Benji takes off Jorge's shirt and then sucks on his neck. Jorge groans and puts his hand in his pants, pumping himself.

Benji flips them over so he's on top of Jorge. He takes his shirt off with one hand and then takes off Jorge's pants and underwear with one motion. Jorge's hard on hits his stomach, pre come dripping down.

Benji reaches into Jorge's nightstand and grabs the lube. He coats his fingers in it before looking at Jorge for permission. Jorge smiles and nods at Benji.

Benji slides one finger inside Jorge's hole, sliding it in and out effortlessly. They had sex earlier that day and Jorge was still stretched out. Jorge moans and grabs fistfuls of the comforter they were laying on.

"More. Please, more." Jorge breathes out, screwing his eyes and throwing his head back.

Benji laughs at Jorge's demand and puts in a second finger. He scissors Jorge for a few minutes trying to make sure he's completely ready. He occasionally brushes his fingers against Jorge's prostate, but only to tease him. Benji didn't want Jorge coming to soon.

"Baby, are you ready?" Jorge nods frantically and reaches for Benji to pull him closer. Benji coats his dick with lube, giving himself a few extra pumps looking down at Jorge. He was so perfect laying there with his hair a mess and cheeks read. A thin layer of sweat covering his body making him glisten and look absolutely perfect.

Benji hovers over Jorge. He kisses the tip of Jorge's nose before saying, "You know I love you, right?" Without giving Jorge a chance to answer, Benji's already began pushing himself inside Jorge.

Jorge moans loudly and buries his head in Benji's neck.

"Shhhh, baby. Remember you're family is still downstairs. You promised you'd be a good boy so try and keep quiet for daddy."

Benji thrusts into Jorge hard, making Jorge squirm.

"Fuck baby, how are you still so tight even when I've fucked you already today?"

"I-I don't know," Jorge moans.

Benji puts his hand over Jorge's mouth and continues to fuck Jorge. "You're not being very good, are you?" Jorge shakes his head no and looks at Benji with anticipation. He knows what's coming next and he couldn't be more excited. With his other hand, Benji snakes his hand around Jorge's neck, holding tight.

Benji is close. He knows Jorge is too by the way his thighs are shaking and that he can't keep his eyes open.

"You're so dirty, baby. Everyone thinks you're so innocent, but I know better. I know how much you crave my dick. I know when I'm not here to touch you, you touch yourself. You even had me fuck you twice today," Benji groans as he thrusts into Jorge harder than before.

To Benji's words, Jorge comes all over his stomach, clawing at Benji's back. The tightness of Jorge pushes Benji over the edge. Benji pulls out in just enough time to come onto Jorge's stomach.

Benji takes a deep breath and collects the come on his fingers and brings it to Jorge's mouth. Jorge smiles at Benji before sucking his fingers clean. Benji uses a towel he finds on the floor to clean the rest of the come up and then gets in bed to cuddle Jorge.

Jorge rests his head on Benji's chest, his eyes drooping as he fights sleep.

"I love you so much, Jorge. You have no idea what you mean to me," Benji says. He kisses Jorge's forehead before falling asleep himself.

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