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"Benji," Jorge slurs nearly walking into a telephone pole.

Benji sighs and puts his arm around Jorge's neck to support him as they walk home. "Yes, baby?" 

"I don't feel good," Jorge laughs before stopping abruptly to empty his stomach on the sidewalk. Benji holds Jorge up and rubs his back until he's finished. 

"Do you feel better?" Benji pulls a piece of gum out of his pocket and hands it to Jorge. Jorge takes it and sits on the curb. 

"Yeah, but I'm bored." Benji sits down next to Jorge. "I want to do something fun!" Jorge yells laughing. Benji rolls his eyes and grabs Jorge's hand. 

"We need to go home and get you in bed." Jorge sticks out his bottom lip and pouts at Benji. Benji laughs and pulls his phone out of his pocket. He calls a taxi.

"Why did you call a ride?" Jorge sways.

"You're sitting right next to your own throw up and can't even hold yourself up." Jorge leans his head on Benji's shoulder and closes his eyes.

"But we're trying to save money so we can move in together."

"I think right now you need a ten dollar ride more," Benji smiles down at Jorge.

When the taxi get's there, they climb inside. Benji holds Jorge the whole way while Jorge sings along to the music loudly. Benji tries to hide his smile. When they get to Benji's house, Benji pays the driver and helps Jorge out of the car. 

"Carry me," Jorge closes his eyes and holds his arms out. Benji laughs and picks Jorge up by his waist. 

"Wrap your legs around me, Jey!" Benji laughs. Jorge does, so Benji carries Jorge inside and up to his room. He sets Jorge on the bed.

"Bonjo, Bango, Benjamin, Benny, Boobie, Boogie," Jorge laughs. 

"What are you talking about?"

"Names I could call you," Jorge lays back on the bed laughing at the nicknames he thought of for Benji.

Benji rolls his eyes smiling at Jorge. "You're too drunk, baby."

Jorge stops laughing and sits up to look Benji in the eyes. "I like it when you call me that."

Benji grabs a sweater and a clean pair of boxers for Jorge out of his closet and hands it to him. "You like it when I call you baby?" Benji takes his clothes off and puts on a pair of shorts to sleep in.

Jorge starts taking off his clothes to change. "It's hot. Especially when you're fucking me."

Benji smiles at his boy, "Okay, come on, get dressed." Jorge lays on the bed with his shirt off and pants unbuttoned. 

"I need help," Jorge whines. Benji chuckles and walks to the bed. He pulls Jorge to the edge of the bed so his legs are handing off. He pulls Jorge's pants down. Before he was able to pull Jorge's boxers off, Jorge grabbed his neck and pulled Benji towards him. He kisses Benji and moans into his mouth. 

Benji pulls away making Jorge whine. "Why aren't you kissing me?" 

"Baby, I'm trying to get you ready for bed," Benji pushes Jorge's hair out of his face. "Plus, you were throwing up less than an hour ago."

"I want you," Jorge looks at Benji with dark eyes. 

"Honey, no. You're drunk," Benji kisses Jorge's cheek pulling his boxers down and quickly putting the new pair on Jorge. He lifts Jorge's arms and slides the sweater over his head.

"So? I'd want you even if I wasn't drunk. I want you everyday. Even when I'm not with you, all I think about is you. Like, you're always there. You're inside my head twenty-four seven." Jorge looks up at Benji. "I think about your cock a lot too. About how good you make me feel and what it feels like when your come is dri-"

"Okay, baby," Benji laughs. "I appreciate it, I do, but I'm sorry not tonight. Tomorrow when you're not drunk I will fuck you over and over again if you'd like."

Jorge groans and throws himself on the bed. Benji laughs at his child-like gesture. He goes to the bathroom and comes back with a glass of water and some medicine for Jorge. He hands it to Jorge and he takes it making sure to drink the rest of the water.

"Fine," Jorge rolls under the covers and closes his eyes. "But, you have to make me pancakes in the morning."


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