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"Would I be top? Or bottom?" Benji asks looking over at Jorge who's laying on the other side of the bed.

"I don't know. Top I think," Jorge shrugs.

"You're okay being bottom?" Benji turns on his side so he's facing Jorge. Jorge does the same.

"Yeah, I think so," Jorge blushes lightly.

"What if it hurts you?" Benji reaches over and brushes the hair out of Jorge's face.

"Then we stop."


Jorge sits up and crawls over to Benji. When Benji lays on his back, Jorge straddles his thighs. Benji sits up and puts two pillows behind his head so he's sitting up. Jorge looks down at Benji and smiles.

"I'm nervous," Jorge blushes.

"We don't have to do this if you don't want to," Benji rests his hands on Jorge's hips.

"I want to," Jorge licks his lips and looks down at Benji's. "I want you."

Benji smiles up at Jorge and pulls him down for a kiss. They kiss lightly at first. They take in the each others soft lips and sweet tastes. When Benji moves his hand to Jorge's cheek, Jorge opens his mouth to let Benji's tongue in. Their tongues swirl around slowly.

Benji flips the over gently so he's laying on top of Jorge in between his legs. He grinds his hips down and Jorge gasps at the contact. Jorge tugs at Benji's shirt and lifts it up to his chest. They stop kissing so Benji can remove his shirt. He looks down at Jorge and lifts up his. Benji unbuttons Jorge's jeans and unzips them slowly. Jorge lifts his hips off the bed to help Benji remove them. When they're completely off he pulls at Benji's.

Benji sits up and takes his own pants off before crawling back in between Jorge's legs. Benji looks down at Jorge and smiles.

"What?" Jorge asks nervously.

"You're just beautiful," Benji kisses Jorge's cheek. He looks down at the bulge in Jorge's boxers and palms him slowly.

Jorge moans lightly and leaves wet kisses on Benji's neck. Benji reaches into Jorge's underwear and grabs his hard cock, pumping him tightly.

"Benji," Jorge moans.

"Yes, baby?"

"Take your boxers off," Jorge whines when Benji lets go of his length to take his boxers off, but distracts himself by taking his own off.

Benji looks down at the naked boy below him and groans. He needs Jorge. He leans over and grabs lube out of his bag.

"I don't know. Just in case we needed it," Benji laughs when Jorge raises an eyebrow at Benji for carrying lube with him.

Benji lubes up his fingers and rubs them against Jorge's hold. Jorge moans at the contact.

"Ready?" Benji asks. When Jorge nods he slides one finger in slowly. When it's all the way in he looks up at Jorge. "Does it hurt?"

"I don't know. I don't think so. It just feels weird," Jorge keeps his eyes shut tightly.

"Should I move it?" When Jorge says yes, Benji begins pumping it in and out of Jorge. After a minute or two, Jorge relaxes his face and moans quietly. Benji continues to pump his finger in and out of Jorge until he's a moaning mess and begging for more.

"More, Benji," Jorge groans.

Benji slides another one in slowly. Jorge gasps at the stretch, but like the first finger, it doesn't take long for him to be asking for more. When Benji adds his third finger, Jorge winces in pain.

"Are you okay?" Benji doesn't move his fingers and rubs his other hand up and down Jorge's thighs to try and sooth him.

"It hurts," Jorge's voice cracks. His eyes are screwed shut and his hands grip the pillow behind his head.

"Should we stop?" Benji begins to pull his fingers out, but Jorge grabs his wrist to stop him.

"No," Jorge breathes. "Just give me a second."

They sit there for a few minutes letting Jorge get used to Benji's fingers. When Jorge tells Benji to move his fingers, he does. Jorge moans lightly.

"Benji, it feels good," Jorge moans. Benji bite his lip and looks down at his boy who's a moaning mess under him.

"Let me fuck you," Benji begs.

"Please fuck me."

Benji slides his finger out of Jorge and grabs the lube again. He lathers it over his cock, making sure to put a lot more than he did on his fingers. He lines himself up with Jorge's hole and looks down at him. Jorge looks up at Benji.

"I love you."

"I love you."

Benji slides in Jorge slowly. Jorge groans in pain and Benji stops immediately.

"Do you want me to stop?" Benji shuts his eyes trying to keep himself from moving.

"No. Don't move."

Benji kisses Jorge's cheek and grabs his hand, squeezing it lightly. Benji plays with Jorge's hair and tells him how beautiful he is. When Jorge tells Benji to move, he moves slowly. He groans at how tight Jorge is.

Benji thrusts his cock in and out of Jorge's ass moaning. "Baby," Benji groans. "I'm going to come soon, okay?"

Jorge nods his head and kisses Benji's neck. It doesn't hurt anymore, but it's just starting to feel good. Benji pulls out and comes on Jorge's stomach moaning and gripping Jorge's hair.

When Benji catches his breath he looks down at Jorge. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to come so fast."

"It's okay," Jorge smiles at Benji.

"Do you want me to finish you?"

"Next time. Right now I just want you to cuddle me."

Benji smiles at Jorge and lays down next to him. He pulls Jorge into his chest and rubs his back with one hand and plays with his hair with the his other hand.

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