The Party.

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"Do you want a drink?" Olivia asks her boyfriend, Benji. The music was so loud that Benji had to ask her to repeat that three times before he understood.

"Yeah," Benji grabs her hand pulling her towards the kitchen. The party they were at had almost everyone in their school there. The biggest one of the year by far. 

When they get to the kitchen Benji pours Olivia a drink and hands it to her. "You're not having one?"

"No, I have to drive home later." Benji rolls his eyes at her. He wasn't sure exactly what it was, but there's been something about her that's really gotten on his nerves lately. They'd only been together for a few months and for the most part those few months were great, but something inside him switched when he met Jorge. 

They hooked up a few times, but he didn't have the intentions of cheating on Olivia, she just wasn't really what he wanted anymore. 

Benji and Olivia walked back into the living room where people were dancing and talking. There was a few childish games like Truth or Dare going on but Benji had no interest playing them. 

When Benji scans his eyes around the room, he spots Jorge. He's talking with one of his friends, Syd. He smiles at them before turning to Olivia. 

"We should play,"

"You want to play Truth or Dare?" Olivia looks at him confused. "You hate those games."

"It'll be fun," Benji smiles. "Save us seats. I'm going to go to the bathroom really quick."

Before she could respond Benji walks away. He walks towards the hallway right past Jorge making sure to catch his eye on the way. Jorge seemed to get the message when he told Syd he'd be right back and walked behind Benji making sure to leave a few feet between them so nobody would get suspicious. 

When Benji and Jorge get to the bathroom, Benji closes and locks the door to make sure nobody will walk in on them. Jorge looks at him with amused eyes as he leans against the sink.

Benji smirks at Jorge, "I thought you weren't going to be here?" 

"I wasn't planning on coming, but Syd didn't want to come alone," Jorge pulls Benji close by the collar of his shirt. "I thought you were going to break up with her."

Benji looks down at Jorge's lips and licks his own, "I'm going to. I just haven't gotten to it yet."

Jorge hums a reasons and brushes his lips against Benji's. Benji leans in to kiss Jorge. They sit like that for a few minutes with their tongues fighting over dominance. Without breaking the kiss Benji pucks up Jorge by his hips and sets him on the counter. He stands in between Jorge's legs and holds his waist. 

Jorge pulls away from the kiss to kiss Benji's neck. He leaves wet kisses from his jaw down to his collar bone.   

Benji pulls Jorge's shirt over his head and throws it on the floor before doing the same to his own. Benji kisses Jorge again and uses his hands to pinch Jorge's nipples. 

Jorge gasps, "No teasing." He looks at Benji annoyed but Benji just smiles down at him.

"Take your pants off, then."

Jorge slides off the counter and pulls his pants and underwear down in one motion. He lets out soft moans when Benji grabs his length and gives him a few pumps. When Benji lets go, Jorge whines but stops when he notices Benji taking off his pants and boxers. 

"Bend over the sink," Benji says before spitting in his hand and rubbing it on his cock. Jorge listens. He pushes his ass out for Benji. "It might hurt a little. We don't have any lube so I'm just using my spit."

"Benji, shut up and fuck me." Benji laughs at Jorge's response. He was always ready for Benji. 

Benji rubs his tip against Jorge's hole causing them both to groan. Benji pushes in slowly until he bottomed out.

"Are you okay?" Benji leans over Jorge and kisses his shoulder.

"I'm okay. You can move."

Benji thrusts in and out of Jorge hard causing Jorge to gasp and grip the sink. Benji looks down at Jorge's ass and gives it a few smacks. The music from the living room drowning out the sounds. 

"Benji?" Jorge moans loudly.

Benji grabs Jorge's hips and pounds into him harder. "Y-yeah."

"Break up with her," Benji watches in the mirror as Jorge's eyes roll in the back of his head in pleasure. "Be with me instead." 

Benji's eyes furrows together as he inches closer to release. "Baby, I will."

Jorge screams as he comes on the sink in front of him and Benji follows closely behind coming in Jorge's ass. 

When Benji pulls out he grabs a towel and cleans himself and Jorge off. Jorge smiles shyly at Benji. "Are you actually going to break up with her?"

"Tomorrow. I will tomorrow when she's sober. And then," Benji pulls Jorge close to him, "I am going to call you right after." 

Jorge leans up and pecks Benji on the lips.

When they're both dressed they leave the bathroom one at a time. Jorge when first and caught up with Syd. When Benji went back to Olivia she narrows her eyes at him.

"Why were you gone so long? You missed three rounds."

"Sorry there was a big line for the bathroom."

Idea given to me by @tinyymoon

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