The Big Game.

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"No doubt in my mind, we're winning tonight," I high five my friends. I turn around to grab a textbook for my last class of the day.

"Oh, fuck she's fine," Drew whispers to me. I turn around to see Olivia and Jorge walking towards us in their cheerleading uniforms.

"Oh, uh, yeah she is," I say staring at Jorge. 

"Hello, boys," Olivia smiles. 

"Olivia," Drew smirks at her. 

"Hey, Benji," Jorge looks at me. I gives him a small smile. 

"So, is there going to be an after party tonight after the game?" Olivia asks.

"Drew's house. Eleven-thirty," I sling my backpack over my shoulder.

"Perfect, we'll be there." Olivia and Jorge walk away. While Drew stares at Olivia, I stare at Jorge.

"That kid is so weird. He's the only guy cheerleader in the school," Drew laughs. "I mean, if he wasn't a fag he'd probably get a lot of pussy."

"Yeah," I pretend laugh. "I have to go. If I'm late again, I get detention." I say and walk away. 

I pull my phone out and send Jorge a quick text: "Meet me in our spot. After school." I smile when Jorge texts back saying he'll be there and spend the rest of the class thinking about what we'll do when we're alone. 


When I walk into the janitors closet that Jorge and I meet at regularly, he's already there, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. 

"What?" I say after I lock the door. 

"You ignored me," Jorge huffs.

"What? When?" I get closer to him. I put my arms around his waist and kiss his neck slowly. 

"I get it, you don't want to come out yet, but you don't have to be a dick. I said hi to you and you didn't say anything back," He pushes my shoulders slightly, but I don't let go of his waist.

"Baby, I'm sorry," I bat my eyelashes at him. "I'll tell people soon, I just need more time. I didn't want to give Drew something to talk about. He's already suspicious." 

Jorge rolls his eyes. "Yeah, I know. I've heard this all before."

"You're going to cheer for me tonight, right?" I smile down at him.

"Obviously," Jorge tries to hide his smile. I lean down and brush my lips along his. "Kiss me," He whines. I take his cheeks in my hands and brush his hair out of his face. I kiss him gently at first, but it slowly gets more intense. I brush my tongue along his bottom lip and slide it in when he gasps. I lower my hands to his waist, then to his ass, squeezing gently. He moans into my mouth but pushes me away before I can do it again. 

"What time do you have to meet the team?" He asks as I kiss his neck. I suck lightly, careful not to leave a mark.

"Four thirty."

"It's four fifteen," Jorge whines looking at the clock on the wall. I groan and take a step back. Jorge pushes me back against the wall. "Don't leave yet." He gets on his knees in front of me.

"Baby, I have to be there in fifteen minutes." I say gently pulling him up.

"Don't flatter yourself," Jorge laughs. "I only need five minutes." He gets back on his knees and pulls my jeans and boxers down. 

"Are you saying I come quick?" 

Jorge laughs, but doesn't answer the question. He takes the tip of me into his mouth. He wipes his tongue around me as my cock goes farther into his mouth. He sucks hard and uses his hand to pump what he can't fit in his mouth. 

"God, you're sexy," I groan grabbing his hair. I tug lightly earning a moan from Jorge. "Relax your mouth, baby." He does, so I thrust my hips and pull him closer to me by his hair. My cock hits the back of his throat. When his eyes start to water I let go to let him breathe. He doesn't come up for air. He sucks harder causing me to groan. "Fuck, Jorge!" I moan as I come in his throat.

When he's swallowed it all, he stands up and smirks at me. "Four twenty-two."

"Meet me after the game? At Drew's party?" I beg.

"Only if you win. I don't date losers," Jorge laughs. 

"Oh, I'll win," I smirk. "I've got the best cheerleader." I kiss his cheek before leaving the janitors closet to meet up with the team. 

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