The Morning After (Drunk part two).

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"Jey, baby, wake up." Benji gently shakes Jorge.

Jorge groans in response. Benji smiles and kisses his hair. 

"I made you pancakes."

One at a time Jorge's eyes opened. "What time is it?" Jorge sits up holding his head. 

"Three-thirty. I figured I should wake you up so you weren't up all night tonight," Benji hands Jorge pain medicine and a glass of water. Jorge takes the pill and gulps down the rest of the water.

"Thank you," Jorge groans leaning into Benji's chest. "What were you saying about pancakes?"

Benji laughs and hands him the plate of pancakes covered in Jorge's favorites: strawberries and bananas. Jorge smiles and slowly eats them.

"Do you remember last night at all?" Benji asks when Jorge finishes the his plate.

Jorge blushes and hides his head in Benji's neck. "I was so annoying and embarrassing. I am so sorry," Jorge groans.

Benji laughs. "You're fine, baby." Benji smirks at Jorge.

"Ew, stop!"

Benji laughs and kisses Jorge's cheek. "I mean, you said you liked it when I call you that," Jorge looks up at Benji who's already staring at him. "You said you liked a lot of things." Benji lays Jorge down and hovers over him. Jorge gulps as Benji gets closer to his face. 

Benji kisses Jorge softly. When Jorge moans into Benji's mouth, Benji slips his tongue in swirling it around. Jorge grips onto Benji's biceps.

"What do you want me to do?" Benji whispers.

"Fuck me," Jorge moans. "Please." Benji grinds himself onto Jorge. 

Benji sits up and pulls his shirt over his head. Jorge begins to take his sweater off before Benji stops him. "Leave it on." When Jorge gives him a confused look, Benji adds, "I like it when you're wearing my sweaters while I fuck you."


Benji takes the rest of his clothes off before taking Jorge's boxers off. "Maybe I shouldn't since you always make such a mess on them." He grabs Jorge's cock and pumps him slowly. Jorge moans and throws his head back.  "Look at me," Benji demands. Jorge looks at Benji who's sitting in between his legs. He licks up the length of Jorge's cock.

"Benji," Jorge moans. "Let me make you feel good."

Benji smirks at Jorge and lifts him up enough to put more pillows behind his head. "I wanna fuck that pretty mouth of yours." Jorge blushes as Benji straddles his chest. Jorge grabs the back of Benji's thighs and pulls him closer to take his cock in his mouth. Benji grips the headboard and thrusts himself into Jorge's mouth. Jorge gags and gasp but doesn't pull off. 

"Fuck, baby, you're so good at that," Benji moans when Jorge swirls his tongue around Benji. 

Jorge pulls off long enough to say, "Come on my face." Benji smirks and thrust even harder. He hits the back of Jorge's throat repeatedly until he's about to come. He pulls out and pumps himself quickly.

"Fuck!" Benji groans as he comes on Jorge's face. He looks at his pretty boy and tries to take in the sight in front of him. Jorge's cheeks deep red, lips swollen, and come dripping down his cheeks. Benji gets up and cleans Jorge up with a towel. Once he's done he sits down in between Jorge's legs.

Benji takes the tip of Jorge into his mouth. He sucks hard causing Jorge to moan. Benji slowly takes more and more of Jorge and petty soon hes gagging on Jorge's cock. When he pulls off to breathe, Jorge smiles at him. 

"You taste good, baby." Jorge moans at Benji's words. He plants a soft kiss on Jorge's thigh before putting his mouth back on Jorge. He takes as much of Jorge in his mouth as he can without gagging and uses his hand to pump the rest.

"S-shit, uh-" Jorge groans as he comes in Benji's mouth. Benji swallows it all and lays his head on Jorge's stomach holding him tightly. Jorge plays with Benji's hair as he tries to cool off. 

"Thank you for taking care of me last night," Jorge smiles at the top of Benji's head.

"Of course, baby."

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