Mr. Krol

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Jorge tapped the end of his pencil on his desk, waiting for class to start. He's a quiet boy, who spent most of his time reading in the library, by himself. He had friends, sure, but he liked being alone, it gave him time to think.

He isn't as innocent as everyone thinks, though. He had a wild side, although few people got to see it.

"Hey, Jorge," Zack, a boy from the football team, stood in front of him. "Heard you had a long night."

"I'm sorry?" Jorge questioned, raising his eyebrows, looking at the boy in front of him.

"Drake told me you were at his house last night, fucking," Zack glared down at Jorge. Zack and Jorge have been hooking up on and off for the past couple months, but last night, Jorge went over to Drakes house.

"Bite me," Jorge rolled his eyes. Although he was quiet, he knew how to stand up for himself.

"Would love to," Zack smirked down. Jorge turned away, annoyed. Zack started towards his seat before turning around to say, "Later."

"Okay, guys," Mr. Krol stood up from his desk. "Class has started. Take out your homework from yesterday."

As the class went on, Mr. Krol kept giving Jorge weird looks. Mr. Krol was Jorge's favorite teacher. He was funny and kind and always Jorge feel safe. They were close, closer than most teachers and students. Mr. Krol helped Jorge through family issues and the normal rough patches every high schooler goes through. Jorge would be lying to himself if he said he didn't have a bit of a crush.

"Jorge, come talk to me for a second," Mr. Krol spoke as the bell rung, signaling the end of the school day. He sits on the edge of his desk, waiting for Jorge to come up to him.

"What's up?" Jorge stands in front of Mr. Krol's desk.

"I heard everything that Zack was saying to you at the beginning of class, are you okay?" Mr. Krol dropped his teacher voice and looked at him with worried eyes.

"I'm fine," Jorge shrugged. "Zack's just a dick."

Mr. Krol laughed at his words, before stopping abruptly. "Is he mean to you, Jorge?"

"He can be, but you know, teenage boys," Jorge giggles. Mr. Krol smiles at him.

"You deserve someone who isn't mean to you," Mr. Krol puts his hand on Jorge's arm. Jorge try's to ignore the butterflies in his stomach as he blushes and looks down.

"Yeah, but in this town? They're all the same," Jorge hasn't met a boy who wants more than to just fuck him and leave.

"Not all of us are bad," Mr. Krol's eyes widen when he realizes what he said. He stutters out, "I mean, not us. I'm not a part of it. But, you know."

"I get it," Jorge laughs at how quick Mr. Krol pulled away from him. He moves his own hand and rests it on Mr. krol's forearm.

Mr. Krol looks up and meets Jorge's eyes. He looks down to Jorge's lips, watching as his tongue sticks out slightly, wetting the pink skin. He imagines all the things Jorge could do with those lips.

"Mr. Krol?" Jorge whispers, snapping Mr. Krol out of his dirty thoughts, only to realize that his face is only inches from Jorge's. Just as Mr. Krol is about to pull away, Jorge grabs the back of his neck, pulling him the rest of the way.

They both couldn't ignore the flame that seemed to start as their lips connected. Heat, was the only way to describe it. Mr. Krol pulls Jorge closer to him by his hips, their bodies molded perfectly together as their lips move in sync.

Mr. Krol moves his hands to Jorge's cheek, holding him in place as his licks around the inside of Jorge's mouth. He finally pulls away when Jorge lets out a small moan.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2019 ⏰

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