Date Night.

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I've been working all day on dinner for tonight. Benji and I have both been so busy lately, so we haven't gotten a lot of time together. But tonight, Benji's coming home early from work for our date night. I couldn't be more excited.

I stir the pasta sauce and add a few more spices to make sure it's perfect. After taking the bread out of the oven, I check the clock. 6:20. Benji should be home any minute. I set two plates around the table along with wine glasses. 

My head snaps when the door opens. I don't realize I'm smiling until a few seconds of looking at Benji.

"Hey, baby," Benji smiles at me. He walks to me slowly and leans down to kiss my cheek gently. I feel my cheeks get hot as I turn my head slightly to the side to kiss his pink lips.

"Hey," My voice gets muffled into the kiss. Benji wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into him. His lips move slowly in sync with mine.

I whine when he pulls away. "I missed you," Benji pokes his head around. "It smells good."

"Thank you," I fight a smile and look at the ground, suddenly getting nervous he won't like it. "It's done, I just need to put it on the table."

"Okay, baby. I'm going to go change and wash up, I'll be right back," Benji kisses my hair and disappears down the hall. I take a deep breath and go to the kitchen. I slice the bread and stack it on a plate and move it to the table. I set the noodles and pasta sauce next to the bread and grab the wine out of the freezer.

"Thank you," Benji hugs me from behind, resting his head on my shoulder. "For dinner."

"You're welcome," I smile and pull him to the table. I sit down across from him. "How was your day?"

"Good, work was crazy busy, though," Benji tells me about his day and I tell him about mine. The food tastes great and Benji has three plates. We laugh and talk for close to two hours before we move to the living room for a movie.

"I love you," I sigh into Benji's chest, smiling. I try to scoot closer from him, but it's impossible as we're already touching. I just can't get enough of him.

"I love you, baby," He runs his fingers through my hair. He pulls me up into his lap so I'm straddling him. He looks down at my lips and smiles, leaning in slowly. When his lips meet mine, all my worry's go away. There's nothing bad in the world. Only Benji and my love for him.

It starts off slow, but when I move my hands to his hair and pull slightly, he moves his hands to my ass and squeezes gently. His tongue dances around my mouth.

I let out a small moan when Benji pulls my shirt over my head. It might be the cold air, or Benji's hands exploring my bare skin, but I get goosebumps and shiver slightly.

"Let's go to the bedroom," Benji moans into my mouth. When I pull away from the kiss to nod my head, he smiles and carries me down the hall with my legs wrapped around his waist.

Okay, so I'm going to do a slight variation of a face reveal. I don't feel comfortable putting pictures of me on here, but I'll drop my TikTok username so you all can find me on there! I'm trying to get TikTok famous so if you want to leave comments or likes that would be much appreciated. If you tell me you're from Wattpad, I'll follow you!

Anyways, thank you guys so much for all the love and support. Much love.

@ streefbeef

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