I'll always save you.

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"Shh, baby. Take a deep breath and tell me what happened," Jorge says through the phone. Usually he was the more emotional one but when Benji called him in a panic he knew something was up.

"There was this group of guys at the store and they kept making comments and calling me names and I just ignored it at first but then they followed me out to my car and-" Benji sobbed.

Jorge sat straight up. "Did they hurt you?" Jorge took a deep breath trying to keep himself calm. They both knew there were people who didn't approve of their love and they had their fair share of comments, especially when they were together. But, the thought of someone laying a hand on Benji made him see red. Who were they to be so awful to someone as kind and caring as Benji?

"No, they just surrounded my car and started throwing things at me and yelling about how they were going to kill me. A-and now my car wont start and I'm so scared, Jey." Benji breathes through the phone. Jorge could tell he was trying to stay calm, but he also knew the Benji isn't as tough as he looks. He gets scared and cries like everybody else. 

"Oka, baby, stay in your car and lock the doors. I'll be there in five minutes. Are they still outside your car?"

"No, I can't see them anymore. I don't know where they went. Maybe they left?" Benji says with hope. 

Jorge sped the whole way to the store. He griped the steering wheel until his knuckles were white and his breathing was heavy. He was mad. Jorge is a little guy, but he wouldn't think twice about trying to protect Benji. 

When he got there he scanned the parking lot for Benji's car. He found it in the very back of the parking lot. He parked right next to Benji. Jorge got out of the care and knocked on Benji's window.

When Benji noticed it was Jorge and not those guys his sighed in relief. He opened the car door so fast he almost hit Jorge. Jorge scooped him up in a hug.

"Baby, I didn't see anyone when I drove over here so I think you're safe, but just to make sure we should get in the car right away," Jorge said stroking Benji's hair. Jorge walked Benji to his side and opened the door for him. When Jorge got in the driver side and locked the doors, so nobody could get in, Benji let out a long breath.

Jorge holds Benji's hand the whole way home while Benji sat in the passenger seat sobbing. When they got home Jorge pulled Benji into the house and locked the doors behind them. Jorge pulled Benji into the bedroom and onto the bed. 

"Baby, come here. Come cuddle and talk to me."

Benji lays on Jorge's chest while Jorge rubs his back with one hand. With the other he holds Benji's cheek and wipes the tears away. 

"T-they said they were going to kill me," Benji clings onto Jorge's torso scared for his life. 

"Nobody can hurt you here, baby. I've got you. They are small minded people who can't even begin to comprehend our love," Jorge kisses the top of Benji's head. 

"Thank you for saving me."

"I'll always save you."

Jorge sings a Spanish lullaby his mom used to sing to him, to Benji until he's fast asleep and dreaming of a world without hate.  

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