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I'm sorry I haven't been updating the past week or two. Writing is my favorite thing to do and it breaks my heart that I even needed a break. I consider this a safe place where I can post my thoughts or feelings. I always get amazing support and I am so unbelievably grateful for all of it. This past summer has been the best and worst time of my life. I've met two amazing people who've become my best friends and could not be more proud to have them in my life. We've done a lot of super cool and fun things together and will never be able to express how much love I have for them. They've made my summer so incredibly fun. Unfortunately, I've also had a really horrible summer. About two months ago my older brother committed suicide. I wish everyday that he was still with me, here, and in the flesh. I also had to say goodbye to the absolute love of my life that I got to have three incredible years with. With the help of my friends, family, and writing I've gotten through a lot, but there still feels like a piece of me missing. I want to continue writing and making everyone that reads my work, including myself, happy. It is difficult though, as I've lot a lot of motivation and find it hard to want to do much of anything. I won't stop writing, as it's a dream of mine to write and publish a novel someday, and it's a way for me to escape. I just want to ask everyone to be patient and kind. I'm doing my best and wish with every inch of my soul that there was more of me to give.

I love everyone on here so much and am so thankful for 70k. I want to make it very clear that if anyone, ever, feels like they cannot go on or just need someone to talk to, please please please message me. I am there for you guys, always.

Much love
- Cait.

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