Tied Up.

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Jorge pulls at the ropes, but they only get tighter around his wrist. He hisses at the pain. Benji just watches his boy, completely naked and tied up, struggling. His hands are tied to the head board of the bed. 

"Stop staring," Jorge whines. His hard cock rests on his stomach leaking precome.

Benji, who's sitting in between Jorge's legs, smacks Jorge's thighs hard. "I'm sorry? I must have misheard you. It sounded like you were telling me what to do."

Jorge gasps in pain. "I'm sorry."

"Good boy," Benji pumps Jorge lightly as a reward for changing his attitude. Jorge moans loudly and thrusts his hips to meet Benji's hand. Benji uses his other hand to hold Jorge's hips down. 

"Please fuck me," Jorge whines, pulling at the rope around his wrists. 

"You're so needy," Benji laughs. He sits on his knees in between Jorge's legs. He wraps Jorge's legs around his waist. Benji's cock rests on Jorge's hole. Benji rubs himself on Jorge to tease him lightly. When Jorge groans, Benji thrusts himself inside Jorge.

Jorge moans at the feeling of Benji's cock inside him. He looks down and sees Benji already looking at him. He watches Benji slide in and out of him slowly. 

"Look at me," Benji demands when Jorge throws his head back in pleasure. Benji grabs Jorge's hips and fucks him harder. He leaves wet kisses on Jorge's chest and stomach when Jorge arches his back. "You're fucking sexy laying there, not able to do anything but let me fuck you." Benji groans.

Benji reaches in between them and grips Jorge's cock. He pumps Jorge in sync with his thrusts. 

"Benji," Jorge moans.

"What did you call me?" Benji spanks the side of Jorge's ass. Jorge whimpers lowly.

"D-daddy," Jorge corrects himself. "I'm going to come." Jorge moans loudly when Benji sucks on Jorge's neck. The sensation of being fucked, getting a hand job, and Benji sucking on his neck makes Jorge come in Benji's hand and stomach.

"Look at you," Benji groans. "Making a mess all over Daddy."

Jorge moans at Benji's words. 

"Fuck!" Benji yells as he comes inside Jorge's ass. When he catches his breath, he unties Jorge and wipes them down with a towel. 

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