A Day In.

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Benji stares at Jorge who's laying on the bed singing softly to himself as he scrolls though his phone. Benji's been watching him from the doorway for a few minutes waiting for Jorge to notice him. 

Benji smiles looking at his beautiful boyfriend. Jorge doesn't believe it when Benji tells him, but to Benji, Jorge is perfect. Everything about him from his slightly crooked teeth that he hates to his barley visible freckles he always covers up with a light layer of blush. Benji loves everything about him.

"Why are you staring at me?" Jorge finally notices Benji in the doorway. 

"Just admiring from afar."

Jorge rolls his eyes and flips to his stomach. He hides his face in the pillows. Benji laughs and jumps onto the bed next to him. He gently shakes Jorge's shoulders trying to get his attention. 

"Jorge," Benji laughs when Jorge just groans into the pillow.


"Stop being annoying and let me love you," Benji wraps his arms around Jorge's waist hugging his back. He kisses the back of Jorge's neck.

"You're annoying," Jorge turns around in Benji's arms.

"I already called you annoying," Benji laughs. "You have to come up with a different word or it loses it's meaning."


Benji tries to keep a straight face but starts to laugh when Jorge giggles. 

"Good one," Benji says sarcastically. He kisses Jorge's nose. 

"Thanks, bitch," Jorge smirks. 

Benji laughs and buries his head in Jorge's neck leaving little kisses here and there. Jorge squirms and giggles.

"Benji, stop! That tickles!" Jorge pushes Benji's shoulders back. Benji laughs at Jorge and lays down on his back next to Jorge. They lay like that for hours, talking on their backs right next to each other staring at the ceiling.

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