The dream.

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Benji's hand wraps around my hair, pulling me back. His other hand is on my hips keeping himself steady as he pounds into me. He lets go of my hair to push my face into the bed.

"You like being fucked like this, don't you? Face down, ass up," Benji groans. I moan loudly to answer him. "Use your words, baby. Tell me."

"Yes, I like it."

"You like what, baby," Benji smacks my ass leaving a sting that I love.

"W-when you're rough with me." I moan so loud that if anyone else was home they would surely hear. 


My eyes shoot open. Benji isn't fucking me. I'm laying on my stomach in our bed, but he isn't fucking me. Benji flips me around and hovers over me. 

"What were you dreaming about?" He smirks.


I got up to go to the bathroom. It's around 1am and Jorge was fast asleep. When I walk back into the bedroom, I hear soft whimpers coming from Jorge. I wonder if he's crying at first, but when I get closer and see him thrusting his hips into the bed, I realize he's having a wet dream. 

I sit there watching him for a minute thinking about what he must be dreaming about, but the longer I watch him the harder I get and it's becoming uncomfortable. 

"Jorge," I shake him. His eyes flutter open and he looks confused. I flip him over so he's facing me. "What were you dreaming about?" I smirk down at him. 

"N-nothing." Jorge breathes.

"Oh, really?" I look at what he's wearing; one of my sweatshirts that's way too big for him and underwear. His underwear is way too tight in the front and has a wet spot where he's been pre coming. I palm him through his boxers and kiss his neck. He moans loudly and digs his nails into my bicep. I let him get all flustered before I stop, "Tell me what you were dreaming about.

Jorge thrusts into my hands to get some sort of relief. When I pull my hands away he whines. 

"Tell me and I'll keep going."

Jorge's cheeks flush and he looks up at me with embarrassment. "Please don't make me say it," Jorge whines. 

I move my hand to his neck and hold him tightly, "Say it." I would never embarrass Jorge unless I knew he liked it, which he does. 

"You. I was dreaming about you." 

I move my hand away from his neck and put it in his boxers, pumping him slowly. "What about me?"

Jorge moans, "You were fucking me so good."

I smile at him and kiss him before pulling his boxers off in one quick motion. I pump him slowly to tease him. "Hm, should I fuck you right now?"

Jorge nods his head, "Yes. Please." I can see in is eyes he needs some relief soon. I do too. It's starting to hurt and I just want to be in Jorge. 

I flip him over so he's on his stomach in doggy. I pull my underwear down and grab the lube from the nightstand to coat my dick. When I'm all lubed up I kiss Jorge's back and brush my tip up against his hole. 

"Please, Benji," Jorge moans. In one motion I thrust myself into Jorge. I stay inside him, not moving. He's still stretched out from earlier and I used a lot of lube, but I don't want to hurt my boy. 

I stay there for a few seconds before Jorge says, "Move." I pound into him harder than I think I ever have before. Jorge gasps and moans as I move in and out of him.

"Fuck, you're tight." I grip his hips so tight I'm sure there will be marks when I'm done. "Tell me about your dream."

"Y-you were fucking me just like this," Jorge moans. I reach around him and grab his cock to pump him. "And you were being so rough with me. You were spanking me and pulling my hair and oh-" Jorge comes all over my sweatshirt that he was wearing when I spank him. Hard. 

The sight before me makes me come deep inside Jorge. "Fuck, baby," I breathe. When I pull out I gather some come leaking out of Jorge's hole with my fingers and bring it to his mouth. "Taste."

He sucks my fingers clean and asks for more. We do this until Jorge's stomach and ass is completely clean. I take the sweatshirt off of Jorge so he doesn't get too hot and pull him onto my chest where he falls asleep within the minute. 

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