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"Benji! You're making a way bigger deal out of this than it actually is!" Jorge yells across the car as Benji pulls out of the lot.

"Oh, really? Because it seemed like that guy was all over you and you clearly liked it." Benji scoffs. He grips the steering wheel as he drives home. I took a few deep breathes to try and calm down. Yelling wasn't going to help and they both had a few drinks. Benji isn't drunk, just slightly buzzed, but he hated fighting with Jorge, especially when he was to buzzed to defend himself. 

"I was just dancing! It was your idea to go out anyways," Jorge huffs and crosses his arms. 

"Yes! I wanted to go out so you and I could dance together, not you and some stranger. I was in the bathroom for five minutes!"

"Benji, you're being crazy. I was just trying to have fun. Stop being so jealous."

Benji snaps his head to look at Jorge who's looking out the window. "I don't care if you dance with someone else. Boy or girl. I don't care! But you were grinding you ass on him!"

They pull into the driveway and Benji wastes no time going inside. Jorge takes his time making sure that he grabs their cellphones and wallets and anything else they might need. When he walks inside Benji is nowhere to be found which means he's already gone to the bedroom. Jorge sighs and grabs a glass of water for himself and Benji. When he walks into the bedroom, Benji's laying on the bed looking at his phone. 

"I brought you water," Jorge hands him a glass. "I know you're not drunk, but I thought you might need it."

"Thanks," Benji sets the glass on his nightstand next to Jorge's water. "Come here." Jorge climbs into Bneji's lap and rests his head on Benji's chest. 

"I didn't mean to make you upset, I was just trying to have fun," Jorge looks up at Benji.

"I know. It's just the way he was looking at you and holding your hips. Jey, I could've killed him."

"I'm glad you didn't," Jorge laughs. Benji kisses Jorge on the cheek. "You know I don't want anyone but you, right?" 

Benji sighs, "It's just hard to believe sometimes you're mine. You're too perfect to be with someone like me."

Jorge sits up and looks at Benji. "Well, believe it. You're mine and I'm yours. And I'm not going anywhere." Jorge leans in and kisses Benji passionately. 

Benji pulls away and stands up. He walks over to the closet and pulls out one of his hoodies for Jorge and some sweats for himself. "Here, baby," Benji hands him the hoodie. Jorge changes into it so he's only wearing that and his boxers. Benji pulls his shirt off his head and changes into the sweats. 

When they crawl back in bed Benji lays his head on Jorge's chest. Jorge plays with Benji's hair.

Benji pulls away and looks up at Jorge. "What?" Jorge asks.

"Nothing, I just wanted a kiss," Benji smiles shyly.  

"Come here, then," Jorge leans down and kisses Benji. It started off slow and sweet but soon turned hot and heavy. Benji lays on top of Jorge, but looks at him confused when Jorge pulls away. "Let me show you."

"Show me what?"

"That I don't want anyone else. I only want you."

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