Jealous part two.

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"Let me show you."

"Show me what?"

"That I don't want anyone else. I only want you."

Benji sucked in a deep breath. Jorge flipped them over so that he was now on top of Benji straddling him. Jorge grinds down on Benji as he looks into his eyes. 

"Please, Benji," Jorge looks at him innocently. "Let me make you feel good."

"O-okay," Benji stutters. He's used to being the one in control. Jorge is a very sexual person, but when it comes down to hit he gets shy and likes being told what to do so it shocked Benji that Jorge was like this. 

Jorge smiles and kisses Benji's neck. He leaves wet, open kisses from his neck down to his chest and then his stomach. He stops at the waist line and peppers kisses around Benji's stomach making him giggle.

"Baby, stop," Benji laughs.

Jorge smirks up at Benji before licking his length through his sweatpants. Benji gasps and shuts his eyes slightly. Jorge sits up in between Benji's legs and tugs on his pants.

"Off. Take them off," Jorge begs. Benji complies and pulls his sweats and boxers down exposing his hard dick. Jorge licks his lips and looks Benji in the eyes. Benji pushes Jorge's hair out of his face and rubs his cheek with his thumb. Benji pulls him up and kisses his lips lightly.

Benji smiles at Jorge when they pull away, "I love you."

"I love you, Benji."

Jorge crawls back in between Benji's legs and takes the tip of his dick into his mouth. He bobs his head up and down taking more of him each time. Benji moans and grabs a fist full of Jorge's hair pushing him down more. Jorge gags and gasps but doesn't pull off. 

"Baby, you're going to make me come if you don't stop," Benji groans. Jorge pulls off and sits up to straddle Benji's thighs. 

"I want you," Jorge breathes.

"You have me."

Jorge smiles at Benji. He leans over and grabs lube off the nightstand. Benji takes it out of Jorge's hand and smiles at him.

"You need to be prepped before we can do anything else," Benji lays Jorge on his back and lathers up his fingers. He takes off Jorge's boxers. "Spread your legs, baby."

Jorge spreads his legs and Benji puts one finger in pumping it in and out slowly. When Jorge starts to moan, Benji adds another. By his third finger Jorge's a moaning mess under Benji. 

"Please," Jorge moans. "I need you." Benji smiles at Jorge and lubes up his dick. "Wait. I wanted to ride you."

"Okay," Benji flips them over. He holds Jorge's hips as he hovers over Benji's dick. Jorge slides down slowly wincing at the stretch. Benji pumps Jorge's dick to distract him. "You're doing so good," Benji groans when Jorge starts to move his hips up and down.

"You feel so good, Benji. Nobody else makes me feel like this," Jorge moans. He leans against Benji's chest to keep himself from falling over. 

"Say it again," Benji begs. He looks into Jorge's eyes. "Please say it again."

Jorge knows he need this and he would say it a million times over again so Benji would know he only wants him. "You're the only one that makes me feel like this." Jorge moves his hips up and down faster on Benji's dick. "So good."

Benji groans and grips onto Jorge's hips. He thrusts his hips up to meet Jorge's movements. "He could never make you feel like this, could he?" Benji groans into Jorge's ear. 

Jorge knows he's talking about the guy from the club they fought over. "No, n-never. Only you," Jorge whines. 

Benji groans as he comes inside Jorge. The feeling making Jorge himself come on his sweater and benji's stomach. 

Benji pulls Jorge down and wraps his arms around him. They lay like that until they both caught their breath. When they do, Benji pulls the sweater off Jorge's body and uses it to clean the come off of his stomach. He pulls himself out of Jorge, making Jorge wince.

"Sorry, baby." Benji cleans them up with the sweatshirt before throwing it on the floor. Benji flips Jorge on his side so he can spoon him. They hold each other tight.

"I meant it. You are the only one for me," Jorge says half asleep. Benji smiles and kisses Jorge's hair. 

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