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This is what happened the night after the party that my boyfriend and I went to where my boyfriend got jumped. I'm writing this about two hours after all of this happened, so I'm sorry if my writing isn't the best, but I needed to write this out for my own mental health and well being.

"Jorge, you're not coming," Benji yells.

"Yes, I am. I was the only person that helped you last night!" I yell across the driveway, getting into Addy's car, sitting next to Syd. "Fuck you! I'm going."

Benji rolls his eyes and gets into the passenger seat of Cayman's car. Benji spent all day gathering his friends and brothers to help him fight the guys that jumped him the night before. There was no stopping them, no matter how hard I tried. Once Benji found out that Jorge was punched, he had it in his head that he needed to fight.

"Where are we going?" Addy asks, following Cayman's car out of the driveway and down the street.

"Everyone's meeting at a campground 45 minutes out of town," Syd pulls up the map on his phone giving Addy the directions.

45 minutes later, we pull into a campground parking lot. Addy looses control of her car and slides into the mud, sinking us. We lost Benji, but we know they're farther down the campground.

"Where stuck," Addy groans. From around the corner, about 50 guys run out surrounding Addy's car. They're all holding bats.

"Can you guys help us? We're stuck," Syd rolls down the window.

"Yeah, are you guys here for the fight?" One guy I've never seen before asks.

"Yeah," I say rolling down my window to talk to him.

"Fuck! You're Benji's boyfriend!" He laughs.

"We're going to fucking kill you!" Another boy yells.

"Benji's going to die tonight!"

"Get out of the fucking car, pussy!"

Scared, we roll our windows up and lock the doors. "What do we do?" Addy asks, looking around at the guys Benji and his friends are going to fight.

"I don't know," Syd looks terrified.

"They're down there!" One guy yells and the run farther down the campground, leaving us alone.

"We need to leave, they brought weapons and they said that they were going to kill you," Addy opens the car door.

"Yeah," Syd and I get out of the car and push.

Six gun shots go off.

"Push the car!" I scream. We push the car as hard as we can. It rolls out of the mud and onto the gravel.

"Get in!" Addy yells. We jump in the car, turn around, and drive away.

"Oh, my god. Call the police!" Syd yells.

"I have no service. I don't know what to do." I can't breathe. What if Benji's dead. What if they killed him like they said they were going to. I take out my phone and dial 911. It doesn't even ring.

"What just happened?" Addy yells.

"Benji's dead. He's dead." I put my head in my hands, hyperventilating.

"Jorge, stop. You can't think like that," Syd grabs my hand.

"He said not to come. He told me over and over and I didn't listen," I sob into my hands.

"Jorge, breathe. You have to breathe," Addy yells. "Try the police again."

"Benji's dead," I scream.

"Jorge!" Addy yells. "Call the police!"

I grab my phone and dial 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"We were at the party and they started fighting and there were gunshots," I stutter.

After I get off the phone with the police, we pull onto a side road.

"I need to call my mom. She'll come get us," I call my mom.


"I know it's late, but we went to this party and there were gunshots and I can't find Benji," I sob into the phone.

"Send me your location and I'll be there in ten minutes."

When I get off the phone with my mom, I call Benji. He doesn't answer the first, or the second, or the third time I call him.

"He's dead. I know he is," I sob. I open the car door and lean out enough to throw up everything inside my stomach.

"Cayman's calling me," Addy answers the phone. "Hello?"

I grab an old bottle of water from the backseat and rinse my face with it. I can't breathe. My chest is heavy and I feel like I'm going to pass out.

"Benji?" Addy looks up at me. She hands me the phone.

"Benji?" I sob into the phone.

"Baby, are you safe? Did you guys leave?"

"We left and my mom's coming to get us." I close my eyes and let out a quiet sob. "I thought you were dead."

"I'm okay baby. I'll meet you guys at your house, okay?"

After saying goodbye, we get off the phone. I look back and forth between Syd and Addy. "All this over a fucking song."

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