This Part Is Just For Us.

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Jorge looks at Benji, who's staring at his phone. He's across the room on the couch and he's been there for a while. Jorge was annoyed that Benji wasn't paying attention to him.

"Benji!" Jorge yells. Benji looks up slightly. "Catch me."

Before Benji could answer, Jorge's running across the living room and jumps on Benji's lap. He straddles Benji's thighs and wraps his arms around his neck hugging him tightly.

"Why did you do that?" Benji laughs. He snakes his arms around Jorge'e waist and kisses his cheek. 

"You weren't paying attention to me," Jorge lets go of Benji and sits up slightly so there's space in between their bodies. "And I wanted to cuddle!"

Benji laughs at his boyfriend.

Jorge takes out his phone and starts filming. He does that occasionally to send to friends or to keep the memory. With the camera facing them, Jorge leans down and pecks Benji's lips. Benji groans when Jorge pulls away, so he pulls him back. He goes for another kiss, but last minute, Jorge turns his head and smiles at the camera. Benji looks at his boyfriend and smiles. 

"You're not posting this part."

"Why not?" Jorge says still looking at the camera.

"Because this part is just for us."

Jorge blushes and turns the camera off.

Benji pulls Jorge down and kisses him gently before pulling him into his chest and wrapping his arms around Jorge. Benji rubs his back softly while Jorge plays with Benji's hair. 


I know some people thought that part of Jorge's video was sexual, and it might have been, but I thought it was so fluffy and sweet!

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