Phone Call.

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Benji sighs thinking about how long it'll be before he get's to see Jorge again. Only a few weeks, while he's away on business, but he still longs to be with Jorge. Benji smiles when he looks down at his phone and see's his boy's name flash across the screen. 

"Hey, baby," Benji answers the phone. He sits down on his hotel bed and puts the phone to his ear. 

"I miss you," Jorge whines. Jorge lays on his bed at home and stares at the ceiling wishing Benji was with him.

"I miss you too, baby," Benji lays on his back and stares at the hotel ceiling. 

"How was your day?"

"Good, Jey. How was yours?" 

"Boring," Jorge sighs. "I wish you were here with me."

"Me, too. I'd cuddle you all night." 

"What else?" Jorge blushes.

"What do you mean?" Benji sits up slightly, confused.

"Tell me what you'd do if you were with me right now?"

"Oh," Benji smirks and his cock grows slightly. "I'd lay you down in bed and kiss you all over."

"Where?" Jorge whines. He closes his eyes and bites his lip, palming himself.

"Your neck, baby. I'd kiss you from your neck all the way down to your cock," Benji breathes. "I'd suck you off for a while until you were about to come and then stop so I could fuck you." Benji pulls his pants and boxers down just enough to get his cock you. He pumps himself slowly.

"Benji," Jorge groans. "Come home and fuck me."

"I want to so bad," Benji closes his eyes and imagines Jorge sitting on top of him, riding his cock. "Touch yourself," Benji demands.

Jorge puts the phone on speaker and lays it next to him. He pulls his cock out and teases the tip with his fingers just like Benji does. "It feels good," Jorge moans.

"Fuck, baby. The second I'm home I'm going to bend you over the bed," Benji groans into the phone.

"I'm going to come soon," Jorge stutters. His eyebrows furrow as he thinks about the way Benji's cock fills him up.

"Come then," Benji demands. He pumps himself faster. "I want you to eat it. Taste yourself."

"O-okay." Jorge moans loudly and comes onto his stomach. While he's trying to catch his breath, he scoops up his come with his fingers and brings it to his mouth. "It tastes good, Benji."

To Jorge's words, Benji comes onto his hand with a low groan. He reaches over and grabs a tissue off the nightstand and cleans himself up.

"Fuck, I miss you," Benji sighs.

Once Jorge's cleaned his stomach up, he tells Benji he misses him too.

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