Beach Day.

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"Baby, you look so good, stop covering yourself up," Benji rolls his eyes at his insecure boyfriend. They're spending the day at the beach, which they were both excited about, but when it came to taking his shirt off for swimming, Jorge no longer thought it was fun.

"It's just-" Jorge starts, but Benji interrupts him with a soft kiss. When they pull away, Benji smiles down at Jorge and pulls him into a hug.

"You're perfect."

"Nobodies perfect," Jorge laughs. Benji pulls away to look down at his boy.

"Well, you are." Jorge blushes slightly and gets up on his toes to kiss Benji's cheek. "Come on."

Jorge follows Benji to to the water. When he puts his feet in, it's so cold that it stings Jorge's feet. Benji, who was more of a jump-in type of person, instead of a take-my-time person like Jorge, was already under the water.

"What are you doing!" Benji laughs at his boyfriends face, which is scrunched up and glaring at the water. "Get in!"

"It's cold," Jorge squeals when Benji runs towards him, water dripping down his body. "No, Benji. No."

"Get in," Benji laughs and grabs Jorge's arms so he doesn't run away.

"It's too cold," Jorge try's to get out of Benji's grip, but is unsuccessful.

"Okay, then," Benji picks Jorge up by his waist and throws him over his shoulder. He laughs as Jorge kicks and yells at him, but doesn't let go.

"Benji, I swear to god," Jorge can't contain his giggle. "Put me down."

"We're swimming," Benji runs into the water with Jorge on his shoulder. Jorge screams when the water hits his skin.

"It's too cold!" Jorge gasps, clawing at Benji's back.

"Hold your breath," Benji says. When Jorge takes a deep breath, Benji throws him in the water.

"Bitch," Jorge shivers when he comes up from under water. Benji swims to Jorge and wraps his arms around the shaking boy.

"I love you," Benji says, right before dunking Jorge again.

"What the fuck," Jorge glares at Benji when he comes up.

"You didn't say it back," Benji pouts. He giggles when Jorge lunges at him, but misses him completely.

"I love you, too," Jorge smiles at Benji. He swims to Benji and wraps his arms around his neck.

Guys, I need friends. I need an internet bestie! Message me if you want to hang on FaceTime :)

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