I Miss You.

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"I miss you so much, Benji," I sigh into the phone. He's been gone only a few days, but my heart aches ever second he's not with me.

"I miss you too, baby." Benji's voice cracks. "I wish I didn't have to go. I would stay with you forever if I could."

I roll over in my bed and look at the wall full of pictures of us. I smile and close my eyes trying to imagine the way we took those pictures. The first one we took was one I took. We had just met and we were both still kind of nervous. He put his forehead on mine and closed his eyes when I snapped the picture. His big, fluffy hair in his eyes and his cheeks are slightly pink.

"I'll come see you soon," I promise. I don't have much money saved up after how much we traveled over the summer, but I'd come see him, even if I had to rob a bank to do it.

"I feel like without you here, with me," Benji sighs softly and his voice is shaky. If he isn't crying yet, he will be soon. "Everything's just been so hard. I feel like everything's going wrong."

"I know, baby," I wish I could protect him from everything bad in this world. He deserves all the good.

"It's just so much easier when we're together. Even if bad stuff happens, we have each other and I'm happy."

I hear him roll change positions in his bed. I smile to myself imagining him cuddled up with the teddy bear we got together at the carnival. The next day he put one of my sweatshirts on it. He told me it was so the bear wouldn't be naked, but I know it's so he has something of mine, maybe something the smells like me, or something to remind him what it feels like when we hug.

"Benji," I smile up at my ceiling and close my eyes. "I love you."

"I love you," I hear a sniffle. "Can we FaceTime instead? I need to see you."

"Of course, honey," I press the FaceTime button on the screen of my phone and a few seconds later Benji's perfect face comes on the screen.

"Hey," Benji laughs slightly when I give him a look.

"You're always crying," I don't do well with emotions, but for Benji I try by best. Just like I expected, his arms are wrapped around the bear and he's in one of my shirts.

"It's always your fault though," Benji laughs. He gets serious after a second. "I miss you."

"I miss you."

So, as you all know, I've been struggling a lot lately. I'm trying to get out of my comfort zone and by doing that I've been trying to do one thing that scares me everyday. I am so proud of the work I put out on here, but I'm not confident enough to tell people about it. My best friend knows and that's about it. But I think a baby step would be like a face reveal, if you guys would be interested in that. It defiantly scares me, so it would be that one thing for the day. I don't know, though, so let me know!

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