First time.

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"Do you think it hurts?" Jorge questions looking across the kitchen at Benji. They had been talking about having sex for the first time over the past week. They've done other things, but never actual intercourse. 

Benji finishes chewing and swallowing the last bite of his kebab. "I don't know. I think it does a little," Benji shrugs. He walks across the kitchen and rests his hands on Jorge's waist looking down at his beautiful boy. "I would never do anything to hurt you on purpose, you know that right?"

Jorge smiles and kisses Benji on the cheek. "I know that, silly."

Benji leans in and kisses Jorge. He sides his tongue in quickly before pulling away. "You know, I think you'd like it."

Benji grabs Jorge by his hips and sets him up on the counter, standing in between his legs. He leans in and kisses Jorge again, but this time more passionately. He wanted Jorge and they both knew it. They also both knew Jorge wanted Benji, he was just nervous.

Benji pushes his hips into Jorge's. Jorge moans quietly into Benji's mouth before pulling away. Jorge kisses Benji's neck making sure to suck enough to get the point across without leaving any hickeys. 

"Baby, let me take you to the bedroom, please," Benji practically begs. He looks at Jorge with eyes full of love. Jorge responds by wrapping his legs around Benji's waist tightly and holding onto his neck to balance himself. 

Jorge smiles a shy smile. "Carry me."

Benji lifts him off the counter and carries him to Jorge's bedroom, holding his ass the whole way. When they get to the bed Benji lays Jorge down softly and climbs on top of him. He kisses Jorge slowly. As much as he wants to just rip Jorge's clothes off and fuck him until he can't walk, he also wanted to make their first time special and full of love. Plus, Jorge was nervous enough so it's best that they take it slow. 

"Benji," Jorge moans, "I want you. All of you." He looks deep into Benji's eyes.

Benji smiles down at him, "I want you, too, baby."

He takes his time taking off Jorge's shirt. He kisses all over his chest and stomach telling Jorge how beautiful he is in between kisses. He looks at Jorge as he takes his left nipple into his mouth sucking and biting softly. Jorge throws his head back and moans. 

Jorge whines when Benji pulls away. "Take your clothes off. I'll be right back." Jorge nods and obeys Benji. 

Benji goes into the bathroom and grabs the lube and a condom from the cabinet. When he walks into the room he looses his breath at the sight of Jorge. He's laying on the bed completely naked, just like Benji has asked, looking at the ceiling. His cheeks are slightly pink and his lips parted every time he breathed. 

"You're so fucking beautiful."

Jorge sits up enough to look at Benji and gives him a wide smile. "Thank you," Jorge blushes. "Go on then, take you clothes off. If we want to do this you're going to have to be naked too."

Benji sets the lube and condom on the nightstand before removing his clothing. When Benji joins Jorge on the bed he pulls him close so they're both on their side facing each other. Benji kisses Jorge softly and brushes his hair out of his eyes. 

"I love you." 

"I love you."

They smile at each other for a second before Benji leans over and grabs the lube. He sits in between Jorge's legs and kisses the inside of his thighs before saying, "If it hurts just tell me and I'll stop, okay?" Jorge nods in agreement. "I'm serious, Jey. I don't want to hurt you."

"I promise I'll tell you if it hurts."

Benji smiles at Jorge's response. He coats his fingers in lube and slowly slides one in. Jorge shuts his eyes tightly. 

"Are you hurt?" Benji goes to pull his finger out, but Jorge stops him before he can. 

"No, it just feels weird."

Benji slides it in and out a few times and pretty soon Jorge is a moaning mess under him. 

"More, please. I need more," Jorge breathes out. Benji slides another one inside Jorge. He uses his other hand to pump Jorge's length to take his mind off the stretch. When Jorge told him he could move his fingers, he began to scissor Jorge. 

"Benji," Jorge moans loudly. "Please just fuck me. I want you so bad."

Benji laughs to himself at his boyfriends desperate cry for more. Just a few hours ago he was so nervous that he wasn't going to like it. 

Benji leans over Jorge to grab the condom. He slides it on himself and then adds extra lube just in case. He lines himself up with Jorge's hole. 

"I love you so much, baby." Benji slides himself in slowly groaning at how tight Jorge is. Jorge shuts his eyes tightly and grips the comforter under them. "Are you okay?" Benji moans.

"Y-yeah. Can we just sit like this for a few minutes?"

"Of course we can." Benji does his best to distract himself. He wants so badly to thrust in and out of his boy, but he doesn't want to hurt him. He kisses Jorge's forehead and reaches in between them to grab his hard on. He slowly pumps Jorge to distract him from the sting. Jorge turns into a moaning mess in less than a minute. 


Benji thrusts in and out slowly. He isn't going to last long and based on the way Jorge is moaning and gripping the sheets he doesn't think Jorge will either. 

"Fuck, baby. You're so perfect." Benji looks at Jorge pumping himself with one hand and pinching his nipple with another. 

"Y-you're so g-good," Jorge stutters out. "You f-feel so good."

Benji leans down and starts sucking on Jorge's neck. He's so close to coming. Any second now. 

"Baby, I'm going to come soon, okay?" Benji breathes into Jorge's neck. 

"Yes!" Jorge screams as he releases onto his stomach and hand. Benji follows closely after coming into the condom. 

When Benji gets them all cleaned up, he pulls Jorge into his chest. 

"See, I told you were going to like it," Benji smirks.

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