The Big Game part two.

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The crowed cheers as we make the final touchdown, signaling that we did win. I'm swarmed by my teammates and everyone's yelling. I look across the field at the cheerleaders. I look for one in particular and when I spot him he's already looking at me. He jumps up and down and cheers. He shakes his pompoms and smiles at me. I turn back to my team and celebrate our victory. 

When the field clears I head to the locker room to change. 

"Bro, that was crazy!" Drew yells. 

"I know! You did great," I give him a fist bump and make my way to the showers. 

Once I'm all clean, I wrap my towel around me and walk to my locker. I pull out my phone and smile when I see I have a text from Jorge. 

"You did so good! I'm so proud of you! I'm going to Olivia's house to get ready, but I'll see you at the party :)"

I text him back quickly thanking him for being my good luck charm and finished getting dressed. I put on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt before fixing my hair quickly in the mirror. When I'm finished, I find Drew and we leave to get drinks for the after party.


When Drew and I finished getting drinks from the store and setting up his house for the party, everyone started showing up. Before I knew it, there were a couple hundred people here. Drew was pretty well known and he had a big house, but it made it almost impossible to find Jorge.

"Where are you?" I text Jorge.

"Upstairs. Waiting for you ;)"

I smile and head to the kitchen to grab us both a drink before heading upstairs. When I get there, I already know what bedroom he's in. There's a guest bedroom that's off to the side. We've used it a couple times before.

When I walk in, Jorge's sitting on the bed reading the back of a book he took from off the shelf. I lock the door and smile at my boy. 

"Hey, baby," I hand him his drink and sit down next to him. 

"Hi," He smiles at me. He takes a drink and sets the cup on the nightstand next to the bed. "You did so good tonight," He grabs my drink and sets it on the nightstand beside his. He straddles my thighs and wraps his arms around my neck. I rest my hands on his hips.

"So did you. When I wasn't playing, I was watching you," I smile at him. I brush his hair out of his face and whisper in his ear, "So sexy."

Jorge shivers and closes his eyes. "Thank you," He blushes. 

I kiss his neck, much rougher than earlier. I suck and bite down here and there making sure to leave a few bruises. If nobody can know we're together, at least people can know that he's taken. I shift his body lightly so he can feel my cock on his thigh. He gasps lightly, throwing his head back. 

I flip us over so he's on his back with his legs dangling off the side. He changed out of his cheerleading uniform and into a sweater that nobody knows is mine and black jeans. I lift up the sweater and pull it over his head revealing his perfect soft skin. I kiss his stomach making him giggle.

"Why do you always do that?" He laughs. I smile down at him. 

"I don't know," I don't really have an answer. "I just really love your body."

Jorge smiles shyly. "Okay, enough of this romantic shit. Are you going to fuck me, or what?" Jorge's sassy side comes out often, and I love it. 

I pull his jeans down and then pull my own sweater over my head. I pull his boxers down slowly and when they're fully off I grip his hard on tightly. I give him a few pumps before pulling away. 

"Why?" Jorge whines at the loss of contact. 

I hold out three fingers in front of his face. "Suck," I order. He swirls his tongue around them making sure they're wet enough to be used as lube. "Put your legs up, baby." Jorge bends his knees and rests his foot on the edge of the bed, giving me full access to his hole. 

I rub my fingers up and down his hole before sliding one in slowly. He closes his eyes and breathes heavy. I pump my finger in and out a few times and when he starts moaning I know it's time to add another one. I do this until he's moaning under three of my fingers and begging for more. 

"Are you ready, baby?" I ask as I pull down my jeans and boxers. 

"Mhm," Jorge moans. 

I spit in my hand and rub it on my cock. I lean in and tease Jorge's hole, rubbing my cock against him. 

"No teasing," Jorge moans. His voice is raspy and his face is red. He looks like he's already been fucked. 

I slide in slowly, stopping when I'm in him completely to let him adjust. When he starts moaning I know that he's ready. I thrust in and out of him groaning at his tightness. 

"How are you so tight?" I groan. "I fuck you, like, everyday."

Jorge moans in response. He grips the sheets gasping and moaning every time I thrust inside him. I grabs his hips and pull him closer. When I hit his prostate, he nearly screams.

"Sh, baby," I put my hand over his mouth and take it as an opportunity to fuck him harder. 

"Benji," Jorge moans through my hand. When I let go he says, "I'm gonna com-" He releases all over his stomach. The sight alone takes me over the edge as I come deep inside him. I lay down next to him trying to catch my breath. He sits up and grabs a tissue from the dresser across the room and wipes himself up.

"That lasted more than five minutes," I sit up and smirk at him. 

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