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The sounds of Jorge's quiet singing echoes around the bathroom. Benji smiles to himself as the as Jorge's soft voice mixes with the sound of the water hitting his skin. 

Benji takes off his shirt followed by his pants and underwear. Jorge didn't know Benji was back yet but he loved it when Benji just slipped into the shower with him. 

Benji opens the shower curtains to reveal Jorge's naked body glistening in the water. He was facing the shower head washing his chest. His tight ass on display for only Benji. Small water droplets fall from Jorge's black hair. 

Benji smiles before getting in the shower behind him and wrapping his arms around Jorge's body.

"Hi, baby," Benji says into Jorge's neck. Jorge smiles at the familiar touch and sinks into Benji's chest.

Jorge turns around so he and Benji are facing each other. Jorge wraps his arms around Benji's neck and Benji wraps his arms around Jorge's waist. "I thought you were going to be back later. How was dinner?"

"It was good, baby. I just missed you." Benji leans down and kisses Jorge's lips. Benji pulls Jorge closer so their whole bodies are touching. 

Benji smirks into the kiss when he feels Jorge's hard on touching his stomach. He snakes one hand in between their bodies to grab Jorge's length. Jorge hisses at contact and breaks the kiss to throw his head back.

Benji pumps Jorge slowly, gripping on tight. "Benji," Jorge moans, "You're teasing me."

"Not teasing, baby, just taking my time," Benji smiles down at the sight before him; Jorge now leaning against the shower wall, soaking wet, with his head thrown back as soft moans leave his lips. Jorge's cheeks pink and eyes screwed shut. Benji loved seeing his boy like this. This was a side of Jorge only Benji gets to see. Benji was the only one who got to touch him like this and he loved it.

Jorge whines at the loss of contact when Benji lets go to get on his knees, but it doesn't last long. Benji quickly takes Jorge into his mouth, taking all of it at once. Jorge grabs onto Benji's hair and groans loudly as he hits the back of Benji's mouth over and over. 

"Oh, uh, B-Benji. You're so good," Jorge breaths out. He was close and Benji knew that. 

Benji breaths in and out quickly through his nose so he wouldn't have to get off Jorge for a break. With Benji's hands on Jorge's ass to steady himself, Benji rubs his fingers up against Jorge's hole. Jorge gasps at the contact but then moans even louder.

Benji slowly slides one finer in, careful not to stop his mouth. He pumps his finger in and out for a few seconds before giving in and rubbing Jorge's prostate directly. 

"Benji, I'm going to-" Jorge groans loudly as he finishes in Benji's throat. 

Benji stands up and pulls Jorge into a long kiss to feed him is own come. 

"Taste yourself, baby? Don't you taste so good," Benji says when he pulls away and swallows what come was left in his mouth.

Jorge groans and hides his face in Benji's chest.

"Oh, baby, don't be embarrassed. You did so good," Benji praises Jorge. 

"Thank you," Jorge breathes into Benji's chest. 

Benji pulls away and smiles down at his boy before kissing him on his forehead. He reaches down to grab the shampoo bottle and squirts some into his hand. Benji washes and conditions Jorge's hair and then rewashes his body to make sure he was clean. 

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