Show Me (Phone Call part three).

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"Show me, baby," Benji groans at the thought of Jorge fucking himself on the dildo Benji bought for him. It's a pink one that's a little bit smaller than Benji. Jorge said he had used it while Benji was away on a work trip, but now that he's home he wants to watch.

"I don't know," Jorge blushes. He hides his face in Benji's chest, clearly embarrassed. Benji chuckles and rubs his hand up and down Jorge's back.

"Come on, baby. It's so sexy," Benji smiles at Jorge when he lifts his head up. "I want to see."

"Okay," Jorge stutters. He's comfortable with Benji and would do anything for him, it's just something they've never done in front of each other. They've never even talked about masturbating in front of each other.

Jorge leans over the side of the bed and grabs the lube from the nightstand. He sets it on the bed next to him and feels around under the bed for the shoe box he keeps his dildo in. When he finds it he sets it in front of him and looks up at Benji.

"Can you prep me?" Jorge blushes.

"How'd you do it while I was away?" Benji smirks knowing the answer.

"I-I did it myself," Jorge groans and puts his head in his hands, hiding his face.

"Do it like that, then," Benji rubs his hands up and down Jorge's arms trying to comfort him.

"Okay," Jorge takes a deep breath and lays down. He takes his boxers off, leaving him completely naked and looking at a fully clothed Benji. Jorge takes the lube and lubes up his fingers slowly, trying to waste time.

"Hey," Benji leans over and kisses Jorge's cheek. "If you really don't want to, we don't have to do this."

"It's okay," Jorge gives Benji a small smile and lays on his back with his knees bent. He closes his eyes and moves his hand to his ass. He rubs a finger up against his hole and sucks in a deep breath.

"Fuck, you're so sexy," Benji looks at Jorge with dark eyes. The bulge in his pants gets noticeably bigger as he watches his boyfriend slide one finger in himself.

Jorge throws his head back and moans as he pumps one finger in and out of himself. He tries to focus on his fingers instead of Benji's eyes on him. When he feels more comfortable, he slides a second finger inside, wincing slightly at the stretch. Jorge opens his eyes slightly to look at Benji, who's palming his bulge while watching Jorge. Jorge shuts his eyes tightly so Benji doesn't see him watching. Once the pain of the stretch is gone, Jorge moans loudly as he rubs his fingers up against his prostate.

"Fuck, baby," Benji moans. Benji's still palming himself through his pants.

"Touch yourself," Jorge groans and adds a third finger. It stings but he quickly gets over it and it starts to feel good.

"What?" Benji looks at Jorge who's already looking at him. "You want that?"

When Jorge nods his head, Benji pulls down his pants and boxers enough to get his cock out. He pumps himself slowly, watching Jorge finger himself. Jorge pulls his fingers out and grabs the dildo next to him. He lubes it up and lines it up with his hole. He slides it in slowly, stopping every few inches to get used to the size.

"Benji, it feels good," Jorge moans when he pumps it in and out of himself. His eyebrows furrow and his lips part as he lets soft moans leave his lips. He pumps it faster with one hand and grabs his cock with the other, pumping in time with the dildo.

Benji groans and moves his hand faster, getting close to climax. "Jorge, I'm going to come soon, okay?" Benji watches Jorge fuck himself as he gets closer and closer to release.

"Me, too," Jorge stutters, shutting his eyes tightly. With a loud moan Jorge comes into his hand. Benji moves quickly to come on Jorge's stomach, mixing with Jorge's come. Benji cleans them up and lays down next to Jorge.

"That was so sexy," Benji leans over and kisses Jorge's hair. Jorge groans in embarrassment and Benji laughs.

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