Home (Phone Call part two).

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"Benji!" Jorge yells though the airport when he sees Benji.

"Baby!" Benji jogs over to Jorge and drops his bags on the floor to hug Jorge. He holds him tight. After a few minutes Benji pulls away to kiss Jorge. "I missed you," Benji breathes when they pull away.

"Three weeks is too long," Jorge smiles at Benji.

"Let's go home," Benji rolls his suitcase in one hand and holds Jorge's hand with the other.

On the drive back to their house they talk about Benji's business trip. Benji tells him about everything they did and what he did when he had time off. Jorge tells him about what he did while Benji was away and how much he missed him.

"I need a shower," Benji says when they get home. "I feel gross."

"You are gross," Jorge laughs. Benji smiles at Jorge and pulls him closer by his waist.

"Shower with me."

"Okay," Jorge blushes. They put Benji's bag down in the bedroom and go to the bathroom together. Benji watches Jorge take his close off. "What?"

"I just missed you," Benji removes his clothing. "A lot."

"I missed you," Jorge smiles at Benji and turns the water on. Jorge climbs in and Benji follows.

Benji washes his hair and body while Jorge admires him.

"Your turn," Benji moves out of the way so Jorge can wash himself. While Jorge washes his body, Benji come up behind him and hugs him tightly.

Jorge blushes when he feels Benji's length on his ass. Jorge lays his head back on Benji's shoulder and moans lowly. Benji kisses the side of Jorge's neck and snakes his arms around to grip Jorge's cock. He pumps Jorge slowly, teasing.

"Benji," Jorge moans and turns around to face his boyfriend.

"Let's go to the bedroom," Benji kisses Jorge's cheek and turns the water off. He climbs out of the shower and wraps a towel around himself and hands one to Jorge. Jorge follows Benji into the bedroom and smiles in anticipation.

When they get to the room Benji picks Jorge up and throws him on the bed roughly.

"Turn around," Benji demands. Jorge gets on his hands and knees for Benji.

"You don't want me to blow you?" Jorge asks confused. He wants Benji to fuck him, but they always do foreplay.

"No, baby," Benji grabs the lube from the nightstand. "I just need to be in you."

"Okay," Jorge stutters, excited.

Benji leans over Jorge and whispers in his ear, "Did you use that dildo I bought you?" He lubes up his fingers and brushes them against Jorge's hole.

"No," Jorge lies.

"Really, baby?" Benji slides one finger inside Jorge, pumping slowly. "Because there's less lube in the bottle than when I left." Benji smirks when Jorge moans.

"I only used it once," Jorge buries his head in the bed embarrassed.

"How did it feel?" Benji adds a second finger and scissors Jorge's hold. Jorge moans loudly and grips the sheets.

"G-good. Not as good as you, though," Jorge moans. Benji groans at Jorge's words.

"Next time you'll have to show me," Benji removes his fingers and lubes up his cock. "Ready?"

"Yes," Jorge moans.

Benji slides in Jorge slowly. "Fuck you're so tight," Benji groans. Once he's in Jorge completely, he hold's still, waiting for Jorge to adjust.

"You can move," Jorge says after a few seconds.

Benji thrusts in and out of Jorge. The sounds of skin slapping and light moans fill the room. Benji grips Jorge's hips so tight he leave marks.

"Baby, I'm not going to last long," Benji groans. It's been too long since he's been inside of Jorge.

"Me too," Jorge moans and reaches in front of him to pump himself. Jorge pumps himself in sync with Benji's thrusts.

"Fuck," Benji moans. "Come, baby." Jorge does what Benji says and come into his hand screaming quietly.

Benji comes deep inside Jorge at the sight. Benji pulls out slowly and watches his come drip out of Jorge. He grabs one of their shower towels from the floor and clean Jorge's ass and hands up. Once they're all clean he lays down next to Jorge and smiles at him. Benji pulls Jorge into his chest and holds him tightly.


Okay, so I went to a party last night and something kind of traumatic happened to my boyfrind and I, and I want to write about it in Benji and Jorge's point of view but I'm not sure if anyone would want that. I feel like this is like one of my journals or something and I want to write it all out, but it won't be smut or anything close to fluffy. I don't know. If you guys want that I would be so happy to write it.

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