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So, I decided I am going to write about a very new experience that happened at a party when I was with my boyfriend. Because this book is about Benji and Jorge (and for the privacy of others) all the names will be different. My point of view will be written from Jorge's point of view and my boyfriend's point of view will be written from Benji's. Some stuff will be changed because I am a woman and Jorge is not so keep that in mind.

Also, just for some more information, there were about 20 guys and 5 girls there, not including my boyfriend, his friend, my friend, and me. We were invited but were really only friends with each other, not anybody else there.



"I'll be back in a second. Addy and I are going to the bathroom really quick," Jorge stands up and walks away with Addy.

I turn to my friend Cayman. "What kind of music is this?"

"I don't know but it's kind of annoying," Cayman laughs.

"Yeah," I stand up and walk over to the speaker. "Why are we listening to music that sounds like it belongs in an eighth grade dance?" I laugh.

"This is my favorite song!" A very loud and drunk girl yells in my face. "Get the fuck out! This is my party!"

"Wait, really? I was just joking." I put my hands up and look around the room.

"She said to get the fuck out!" A guy stands up and steps in front of me.

"Leave!" Another guy yells.

Pretty soon there are 15 guys surrounding me and yelling at me to leave. I look at Cayman. He stands up and says, "Okay, we'll go. I'm going to go get his stuff." He walks out the backdoor where I had left my bottle of alcohol and bong.

"Get the fuck out of my house!" The girl screams.

"Okay, I'm leaving," I walk out of the house and into the driveway where I wait for Cayman, Jorge, and Addy.


"Get the fuck out of my house!" We hear a girl scream. Addy and I look at each other and laugh wondering who's getting kicked out. I open the bathroom door and see Benji surrounded by at least 15 guys.

"What's going on?" I ask a girl who's standing back. She just laughs and takes out her phone and starts recording.

"Okay, I'm leaving," Benji says and walks out the front door.

"I'm going to go fight him," One guy laughs and runs out the door. The rest of the guys look around at each other and laugh before running outside too.

Cayman comes in through the back door looking confused.

"Can you go help my boyfriend? Please!" I yell at Cayman. He gives Benji's stuff to Addy and runs outside.

When I go outside I'm horrified at what I see. Benji's on the ground with at least five guys on top of him. They're hitting him in the head, back, and face. It takes me a second to realize what's going on.

"Cayman do something!" I scream. He stands there shocked and doesn't move a muscle.

I push through the crowd to get to them and do my best to push the guys off of Benji.

"Stop!" I scream. On guy turns around and punches me in the side. I double over and grab my side.

"Don't fucking touch him!" Benji screams and stands up. Everyone's in shock that that guy punched me (It's a bigger deal in real life because I am a woman) and stops.

"Walk away, Benji!" I yell pushing through the guys. Benji stands there looking at me. "Fucking go!" I scream.

Cayman grabs Benji's arm and pulls him away and down the street to Benji's car.

"Are you okay?" A guy I've never seen before asks me. I push through the crowd and walk down the street following Benji.

When we stop in front of a street light to wait for Addy, I see his face. His nose is broken and pouring blood. One of his teeth is chipped and he starts throwing up blood.

"Here," I take off my shirt and hand it to him.

"It's okay," Benji breathes. "Put your shirt back on."

"Your nose is bleeding, just take it." He takes the shirt and holds it up to his face.

Addy runs to us with Benji's stuff. "Sorry, they wouldn't let me past them."

"It's fine," Cayman takes Benji's things out of Addy's hand and puts them in Benji's car.

"Jorge," Benji looks at my side. When Benji pulls my shirt away from his face it's covered in blood. "You're hurt."

"I'm fine," I honestly don't feel anything thanks to the adrenaline coursing through my veins. "You guys need to leave, though," I say turning around and seeing the guys walking down the street towards us.

"Okay, I love you," Benji kisses me gently and gets in his car with Cayman. Addy and I walk farther down the street to my car and get in. When I look in the mirror, there's blood stains on my face.

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