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Today is probably one of the biggest days in my career because today is the day that my nail polishes become officially open to purchase. Right now I'm at the office with Jason, Alice and Farhan and we're just waiting for the clock to strike 1pm.

"Are you nervous?" Alice asks
"Yeah I am nervous, I've never done this before" I say biting my nails
"Okay it's twelve fifty nine" Jason gets up from his seat to get his laptop

He goes onto the 'Alhamdullilah' website and it still says Coming Soon
"It's one o'clock now" Farhan looks at his watch
Jason restarts the page and there isn't a Coming Soon sign anymore

"And they're up" Jason smiles
Alice jumps on me for a hug and I chuckle,
"Thank you" I smile
"We're proud of you" Farhan smiles and Jason nods his head

"So do I need to stay or..." i trail off
"Actually I just need to tell you something" Jason goes over to his email, "your old high school is asking if you would mind coming over to do an inspirational talk?"

The thought of speaking in front of so many people actually scares me and I don't know if I can do it
"You can bring your friends for support if you need them?" Alive suggests and Jason nods his head
"It'd just be really good for your publicity and stuff" Farhan adds

"Yea I guess I'll do it" I nod my head getting up off my seat
"Text me the details" I say and hear Jason shout and 'okay' before I close the door

I sigh a huge sigh, I have kind of always been afraid to talk in front of a lot of people and I know there's gonna be more people than there was at the launch party and it would really help if Adam was there for me.

I take out my phone and ring Adam hoping he'd pick up. After a couple of moments I hear a hello and I sigh
"Oh hi sorry, Erm how are you?" I start the conversation
"I'm good, congrats on going live by the way!" And I heart a faint congrats from Slim in the back
"Thank you I still can't believe I've actually done it you know!"
"Well we're proud of our little sister" he gushes

I know I can count on Adam and Slim to make me feel better

"Hey so can I ask you guys something?"
"Yeah sure what do you need" Adam asks
"I've been called to do a talk at my old high school and you know how I am with large groups of people, so would you be able to come to London to be there for me?" I anticipate a 'no'
"Hey of course we can come! What day?" I breath a sigh of relief

"Oh thank god, it'll probably be next week" I inform
I hear Adam sigh on the other line
"I'm filming big videos next week I'm so sorry"
"What about Slim?" I cross my fingers
"Sophia's coming bag from holiday and I've kinda planned something with her"

I can hear the regret in their voices

"It's fine guys don't worry about it I'll be fine" I assure them
"Tell Naz I'm pretty sure he'll be there" Adam tells me and I nod my head
"Yeah I'll speak to him" I reply, "anyways I gotta go but I'll speak to you soon

They shout a goodbye and I end the call

I'm so ready to cancel this 'talk' but I don't want to let them down.
I look down at my phone wondering whether I should ask Naz if he'd come with me or not. Suddenly, speak of the devil, I get a text from him

Naz: if you still need someone to go to school with you I can be there?

Me: are you sure? You don't have to

Naz: yeah yeah don't worry about it, lemme know about the time and day I'll make time for you x

Me: you're the sweetest thank you so much! x

Naz: no worries x

I can breathe now, knowing I won't be alone there

I reach my apartment and have a quick shower before jumping into my nighties and spending the rest of my night watching How I Met You Mother

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