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It's been 2 weeks since Alice and Jason's wedding and they're on their honeymoon so I'm off work until they get back. However, I am bored out of my tree because I don't know what to do.

And to add to that, I've been feeling like ever since the night I mentioned labels, Harris isn't the same around me anymore.

I stare at my phone contemplating whether I should text him or not. After staring at my phone for a couple of moments, the screen lights up with a message from Harris

Hey, how are you? - Harris

I'm good, you? - Me

I'm okay - Harris
Look I know I've been distant the past week but I just need some space if that's okay? - Harris

That's fine you don't have to explain yourself to me I get it - Me

Although, my heart is breaking into pieces knowing that he needs a break from me and from us

Thank you baby - Harris

I put my phone at my side and throw my head back in frustration, rubbing my eyes.
"Bored out of my fucking tree with nothing to do" I mumble to myself

I look around my room and my eyes settle on my camera that I use to film my YouTube videos which hasn't been touched since the awards ceremony

I guess I'm filming a YouTube video now

I set it up and wash my face, laying all my makeup on my desk in front of me

"Hey guys welcome back to my channel it has officially been too long and I might be out of practice so allow me
But... obviously as you guys know I have been extremely busy Alhamdullilah with the awards ceremony and then the nail polish launch and most recently my clothing line.
I wanna take this time to thank you all for your support because I honestly would not be here if it wasn't for you so thank you.
Anyways, in today's video you're going to be watching me do my makeup whilst I answer some burning questions from my DMs. This should be good"

I unlock my phone and put it at the side and start on my makeup

"So the first question is, where did you get the inspiration for your nail polishes and clothes, good question.
So the nail polish shades were based around my theme for the awards ceremony, for example the yellow shade was inspired by my dress and a couple of them were inspired by Adam, Slim and Naz. In terms of the clothes I really just went with things that I love to wear"

"Okay next question, have you been involved in any projects recently, erm yes I actually have.
I'm not sure if you've seen it yet but my most recent project was with Baroque which is still so surreal to me. I was asked to model their new Autumn collection and the books were released a couple of weeks ago"

"Third question is, are you and Harris J together" I chuckle lightly and suck in through my teeth, "Okay so this question is very popular in my DMs right now and I guess I'm going to have to answer it eventually. For the record, me and Harris know each other very well, I met him during the preparations for the awards night. We're not together, we just know each other really well"

Well that was a load of bullshit

I answer a couple more questions and wrap up the video and start editing so that I can have it up by the evening.

Once I'm done editing I put it on a timer to upload at 6.30pm and then I start on my dinner.

The clock gets to half 7 and I decide it's gonna be an early night for me, so I grab my phone and get into bed.
I go onto Instagram and see that Adam is live yet again so I join

"We miss her very much but she's very busy being successful now" Slim says
"Zara if you're watching this, reply to my message stop acting prestige" Adam says looking at the camera and I smile

After watching them for about half an hour I start feeling sleepy so I put my phone on my bedside table and turn onto my other side and sleep


I know this chapter was really shit but I've had a lot going on:(

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