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Today was the day I was going back home, to my apartment but more importantly to Harris. He didn't know I have a car yet let alone a Range Rover so I'm really excited to see his reaction.

Right now though, it's half nine and I've just woken up. I get out of bed and make it all neat before taking a quick shower. Can't be smelling for Harris *winky face*

"What's for breakfast" I walk into the kitchen, the smell of freshly made toast filling my nostrils
"Your favourite, take a seat" my mum says putting down a cup of desi chai in my favourite mug in front of me
"Aww thank you" I hug her

It's kind of bittersweet because I don't wanna leave my childhood home but I miss Harris too.

Once I finish having my breakfast I run upstairs to dry my hair and pick out an outfit because me and Harris have planned to see each other as soon as I get back. And I need to look goooooood.

After looking through my clothes for what felt like hours my mum comes in through the door with a bag.
"Okay so I know you said no presents but I bought this for you way before your dad got you your car so you can't decline it" she explains before I say anything and I sigh smiling, my parents are so cute

She hands me the gift bag and I open it to see a packaged up asian suit.
"I know this isn't what you normally wear but you look so good in them and I wanted you to have at least one" she smiles
"The only reason I don't have any is because I can't choose them as good as you" I smile sweetly and she scoffs
"Any excuse" she taps my nose before standing up, "get dressed now"

As soon as she leaves the room, my desire to dress well for Harris goes out the window and I suddenly want to dress well for my mum. She hasn't seen me in traditional clothes in forever so I'm going to wear what she just bought me.

I put my hair in a ponytail before getting dressed into my new shalwar kameez which is a pure white colour with hints of pink and a gorgeous blue. I use a hairband to push back my hair whilst I do a simple summer glowy makeup look. I wrap a blue hijab around my head and then simply place the matching dupatta on my shoulder because it's just too pretty to leave in the bag. I slip my feet into a pair of black sandals and grab my Ted Baker handbag.

I drag my suitcase downstairs with me and leave both my handbag and suitcase in the hallway.
"Hey guys" I sit down next to my dad and he raises an eyebrow
"Why're you wearing shalwar kameez?" Wow he's that shocked
"Mum bought it for me" I smile and she returns the same wide smile

"Let's take some pictures before she goes" my mum shoots up with her phone camera open

Typical brown family for you; always insists on taking pictures for no reason at all

After taking literally a thousand pictures it's finally time for me to leave and I hug my dad first.
"Don't cry beta, we'll see you soon" he pats my head and kisses my forehead
I hug my mum next and she cries more than me, every time i have to leave it feels like I'm leaving forever.
After a hug from Kaisar I get into my new car and get ready for the drive back home.

I quickly text Harris letting him know that I'll be home in an hour and set off.


Harris: how far are you?

Me: give me 10 minutes

Harris: text me when you're outside

Me: don't forget I have a surprise to show you!

Harris: you've been talking about it non-stop for the past few days I don't think I can forget x

Me: it's definitely worth the hype trust me

The kisses on his messages literally kill me every time.

I turn up his street and park in front of his home but realise I shouldn't have done that when a group of boys that are stood there start staring at me. Or more specifically my car.

I try to ignore their stares and text Harris to let him know I'm outside. One of the boys who seems to have curly hair starts walking up to my car and he stands in front of the passenger seat window and just smiles at me like a clown.

I'm a little creeped out not going to lie.

I roll my window down a little and stare at him,
"Is there a problem?"
He shakes his head, "You've got a nice car"
"Thanks" I say but he still stands there not moving,
"Anything else you'd like to say?"

"You got a boyfriend?" He asks and I try not to snicker because that would just be mean
"AJ! Who're you talking to?" I hear a familiar voice

"Bro I'm tryna get her number can you leave me!" He whines like a little kid and I chuckle
"Hi I'm so sorry he bother-"

"Zara" he breathes and that's when I realised how much I missed his face
After all;
Absence makes the heart grow fonder right?

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