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"I don't get this,"He groans,"Everything has double sided meanings and it's really fucking with me."

"Well that's literature,"Jennie snaps,"Now if you and you friends don't mind leaving - I need to get my best friend home."

The boys stand and all make they way to door,"Thank you for the coffee ...?"

"Y/N,"Jennie smiles at Jungkook,"Her name is Y/N."

"Right. We should come here more often,"

Jennie snorts whilst you keep your gaze on the table in front of you. Putting your backpack on your back and pulling the straps. You walk to the tables in the middle and start to place the chairs on the table - just so it's easier to clean the floor , whoever will be working the next morning. Jimin was actually really attentive when you helped him. But whenever he got snarky Jennie didn't hesitate to put him in his place.

She quickly rushes to your side and helps placing the chairs.

"Let us help you before we leave,"Jungkook says.

"No really it's fine," You shyly say.

"We insist." The boy steps forward,"You were kind to us."

Your eyes widen at his sudden gaze and immediately look away before mumbling a small thanks. Jimin rolls his eyes impatiently and sits back down at the booth whilst everyone moved around smoothly around the cafe to help you tidy up.

Jennie decides to wipe some tables and she goes to back to find some cloths. The tall boys walks up to you whilst you're in your own bubble.

The stay silent around you and you feel their eyes as they gawk into your skin.

"You and your friend should come to our party this weekend,"

Jimin snorts,"You guys seriously must be joking. This pathetic girls knows nothing about parties. She's as innocent as the colour white."

"You don't even know me," You raise your voice.

"I see and know enough about you,"He snaps.

The door suddenly opens and in comes in an upset Jennie - holding water in her hand as a scowl painted on her features.

"What the actual fuck is your problem with my best friend?"

"She's not that relevant."

Your heart sinks.

"Get out."She spat.

Jimin laughs at easily irked Jennie is. The boys usually would find something like this extremely funny but something about this moment was amusing. They can see that your not an open person. Your kind and sweet - introverted. What Jimin was doing is just completely wrong.

They all started to wonder how the two of you were when Jennie wasn't here . Jennie was your backbone and yet here Jimin was - taking advantage of your sensitivity. The boys expected more from him.

"You don't know Y/N!"Jennie shouts,"You don't know shit about her so stop pretending like you do. Judging her as if you know her ! Stop it!"

"Whatever your fucking issue is - at the end of the day you need her . She does not need you." Jennie glares - her chest heaving,"Get out."

The tears well in your eyes and the boys walk away quietly.

"N-no Y/N,"Jennie waddles over to you and she immediately scoops your body into hers as you finally burst out into tears.

Little did you know that someone was looking through the window as they watched you wither away right before his eyes.


School was awfully quiet. You try and keep to yourself but your classmates continued to converse with you. You talk back - completely exhausted as you patiently wait for Mrs Chae to walk in.


You look away from your classmate and look up to see the blonde man as he had a basketball under his arm. Jennie slides your Starbucks drink and a muffin across to you . You thank her quietly.

"I'm Yoongi,"He says,"I was with you last night with Jimin and Jungkook."

You look away from his eyes.

"I just wanted to pay - we never paid for the coffee."

With the money in his hand - he tries to slide it in your hand but you retract slightly and his eyes immediately widen.

"Shit I am sorry!"

"It's fine,"You say.

Jimin walks in late. But you barely acknowledge him as you stare down at your muffin. Yoongi decides to leave you be as he turns around to look at his best friend. Jimin releases a soft sound of delicate laughs as him and Yoongi begin to talk.

Today was the day you were going to beg Mrs Chae for someone else to tutor Jimin.

Your anxiety would not be able to handle it.

Your anxiety wouldn't able to handle him.

"Please eat Y/N,"Jennie smiles softly.

You take bite and sip your coffee,"I'm eating."

Jimin overhears the both of you and his thoughts immediately begin to travel. His eyes leave Yoongi as they tried to find they're way to you. The large muffin was halfway in and the Starbucks drink was still full. Jennie was chuckling gently at a joke someone said while you stared at the muffin and continued to make small bites.

"Min and Park,"Mrs Chae finally makes her appearance,"I am aware that my girls are beautiful but I think your making them uncomfortable. Mind taking a seat."

"Sorry ma'am ,"Yoongi replies.

Jimin however tries to glance over to you secretly to only find you eyes hooked into his. You look away instantly - hearing your heart beat loudly in your ears. Scared that maybe he might hear it too.


"I am sorry Y/N but every other student refuses to help him. Please just do this for me. The second his above B I will put him in a different class - just please."

Your face was blank as you slowly walked on the sidewalk towards the cafè. On every other day Jennie would drive the both of you but she had to go for her afternoon classes so you've just decided to walk. The sky's colours become darker and the wind becomes colder. You hiss under your breath as you picked up your pace.

Small droplets begin and your breath immediately halts. You mentally whine as the water comes in contact with your hair . You knew it was going to be a curly mess - your vision becomes blinded as the water droplets began to cover your glasses and you groan.

A car slows down next to you and heart immediately sinks as you began to practically speed walk down the road.

"C'mon I'll give you a ride."

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