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There is just something about her that just makes her so... Beautiful. Jungkook walked behind Jennie. Watching her as she was sauntered slowly down the hallway. Glancing over her shoulder just to check that Jungkook was still walking behind her. Her hips moved in such a way that it made the man gasp in disbelief.

She's teasing.

Jungkook picks up the stride, but the faster he moved down the hallway the more frustrated he became. Jennie was actually making him chase her. The thing about Jennie that was completely different about the girl Jungkook has slept with is that...

Jennie had morals and goals.

She actually wanted to get to know Jungkook before anything. Jennie was more fascinated at the fact that the man has a higher academic average than her more than anything. Her mind has already picked up the hints that Jungkook wanted something the second she found out about his fuckboy ways.

It made her reluctant.

There is so much on her plate right now and adding a heartbreak is just going to make everything much more complicated. She really didn't need that right now.

Jungkook walks into the room, closing the door behind him.

"I don't like to chase, " He admits.

His tongue pressed against his inner cheek and it causes Jennie to break put an adorable smile. She shrugs her shoulders and reaches over for Jungkook's hand. Tugging him closer to the bed before pushing him over. Jungkook's breath deepens as he sees Jennie slowly straddling over him.

"W-what are you doing?"Jungkook gulps.

"Jungkook, "She whimpered, " I-I."

Jennie suddenly grows vulnerable. She didn't know why but she felt her walls come crashing down. She didn't like how comfortable she was with Jungkook.

It was scary.

But she couldn't possibly hold it in anymore. Jennie was so worried that she wouldn't be able to protect you anymore. People now had you on a hunt. She hated how many times she had to wipe away your tears and tell you that everything will he okay- just for people to raid.

"I-I am sorry, " She craoks.

Jungkook's eyebrows seam and he sits upright. With the emotional woman in his lap, his hand slowly pushes strands of her hair away from her face before resting his hands on her hips.

As Jennie poured out her heart, Jungkook then realised.

There is more to her than just a pretty face.


You on the other hand felt extremely left out. Jimin spotted one of his targets for tonight and disappeared for hours. As much as you wanted to go home , Jimin nor Jennie and Jungkook were anywhere to be seen.

This leaves you with Rosè , Jisoo , Yoongi and Jin. Some of the boys also separated after Jimin stood up.  It felt nice how when the group conversed they tried to involve you in the conversation. However you think they've have noted you to be shy. So they really wouldn't be on case as they normally would.

A loud shout is evidently heard across the room and it makes all your heads shoot up.

"Don't test me!"

Rosè suddenly reaches over to your wrist, not realising how much you winced  - her eyes stayed determined as she walks behind a bulldozing Yoongi, nose flaring as he suddenly felt irritated that anybody would even want to start a fight at the party.

"You think you can get away with it?"Jimin snarled, " You laid your hand on a women - I don't care whether she is a Zombie or not."

Time seems to slow down as Jimin clenches down on his jaw, the familiar boy however releases a sickening laugh and the music in the background come to a halt.

Attention was drawn to the center of the room, you nervously gulping as you stared amongst the two.

One man you were fearful of because he tried to kill you. While the other being feared for because his a criminal.

"And I would do it all over again, just until I see her dead."

Jimin's lungs fill and then deflate. The man's words echoed through his head loudly and everyone in the room waited. Yoongi seems to he the only one to see how angry the man was but before he could even get to Jimin, it was already too late.

A fist was already slammed onto the other's jaw, aggressive shoving comes to play as both men continued to push over one other.

"You sick fuck, " Jimin screams.

Continuously raising his fist and slamming it across the man's face. Anger began to portrude through his veins, the louder the words became in his head. The more red he was going to see.

Blood began to splatter from the man's nose, his eyes suddenly rolling back.

But no matter what Jimin refused to stop.

"That's enough!"Yoongi shouts before shoving Jimin off of the man.

"Are you insane?You could kill him!"Another shouts.

"I don't give a flying fuck, " Jimin exclaims, " If you even want to try me. Tonight won't be the night."

"What happened at school earlier this week hadn't sat  well me." He says, "I know who exactly laid their filthy hands on Y/N. I do not care how long it will take me however one by one. I will hurt you in such a way that you would never think about going near her again."

"You're next, "

Jimin shoves him before angrily stomping away. All you can do is stare on shock as you stared at the injured man.

Bruises and Blood was all you can see. The damage was unbearable to attend to as his face began to become black and blue. Your legs are already jogging, following behind Jimin. His legs were much longer compared to yours and that gave him to have much more of advantage rather than you right now.

The door slams close and you close you eyes as you become face to face with the door.

"Jimin, " You breathlessly call, knocking softly on the door - too scared to turn the doorknob in case he would scream at you for coming in.

Tears well in your eyes as you come to the realising that Jimin fought for you. Nobody has every done that for you before and it began to make you feel very grateful.

"Please let me in, " You cry.

Jimin however stares at the mirror, his thoughts racing at such a fast pace that it made it confused. He could careless about his busted and bleeding knuckles. He wanted the thoughts to stop just so can he can have time for himself.

But no matter how many times he tries to push it out, the voice from other side of the door would stop him and the notions would begin to pulse again.

Why can't he stop?

Why won't he stop?

Why won't couldn't he stop thinking of you?

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