Fifty Nine

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It takes Hendary a moment.

Eyes taking in the scene in front of him. The streetlights don't do him justice's he squints his eyes, attempting to identify who was making such a ruckus. The phone rings in his ear, and he listens the last ask him nicely what the issue was, his heavy breathes fill in the receiver

"Please stay on the line, " She says.

With a careful actions, he watches silently, moving alongside the cars to make sure none of the people could even hear or see him. All he can see was three people, all crutched down. Jimin on his knees, pleading with tears fill hi to the brim while the mumble sounds of Sicheng talking were mostly making the noise. But then - with the help of the streetlights as well as harsh eye squinting, he sees your familiar figure as you laid down on the tar road. No movements are made from you as Jimin begins to raise his hands in surrender.

One thing that really tipped Hendary over was watching Sicheng comfortably placing his knee as well as body weight on your back...

The man can't help but think you were dead.

A loud siren rings through the street, and Hendary almost trips over his two feet. Jimin snaps his head in the directions and their eyes instantly connect. Your ex-boyfriend places a finger on his lips to signal Jimin to keep quiet and for once Jimin actually obeys. With focus back on Sicheng...Hendary moves himself a little more forward.

"Put the weapon away!" A loud voice said Sicheng presses weapon even more into your head.

You were nauseous, your chest had this ongoing burning feeling as you felt the man's full weight on your body. You were slowly losing consciousness, slipping in, and snapping out of it all at the same time. You were struggling to breathe and you know your body is exhausted because of the newborn migraine that you've welcomed.

The police stand a good distance away from you, and Sicheng can't help but feel even more emotional and irritated with the situation. Every single time he has tried to put his hands on you, someone had to come to your rescue. For once he thought that he would be able to succeed while Jimin watches as you suffer. But now the cops were here. He already knew he was going back to jail, but this time for sure - it would be for good.

"Get up, " He grits, taking his knee off of you and aggressively pulling you up, Jimin stands to his feet, rushing his hands to your neck to balance your head.

"Put your hands in the air!"The policemen say, but all you can note is the gun that was now pressed at your temple.

"Any last words?" Sicheng whispers, giving Jimin a sickening smile as he slowly begins to push trigger again.

Jimin can only watch you helplessly, eyes looking into your tired one's, they were watering.

"Goodbye, Jimin."

It was a moment of silence. One that could make anyone shudder in discomfort. No words can ever describe what was going on at this moment. You felt your soul detangling itself from his. At this second, you felt so disconnected - but mostly, despite your exhaustion. You were more than ready to say farewell.

You close your eyes, lips quivering as the heavy tears fall down your face, " Just get this done and over with."

"Shoot me, just do it."

"Gladly, " He smirks, applying more and more pressure, so slowly that Jimin begins to hesitate his actions.

In one second. You were gonna be gone.

One second could be enough, one second could change absolutely anything right now. And that was a chance he was now beginning to take. Without fail, Jimin aggressively pulls you towards him before shoving Sicheng away. The man stumbles on his feet and Jimin pulls you to his chest, turning his back towards Sicheng as he waits for the firearm to go off.

Hendary wasted no time to tackle the man to the ground - and the next few movements were just a massive blur. You hear groans and shuffling but you can't fully comprehend what was going on as your eyes remain closed on Jimin's chest. You know people were rushing around you but you felt so...


You wanted comfort, you wanted it so, so badly. At this moment you couldn't help but cry expressionlessly for Jennie. Jimin's arms felt like home, they've always had. But after everything you've been through, after everything you found out would rather be anywhere but here. With him.

A thin blanket is placed on your shoulders and you could barely even register what was on.

"Please look at the flashlight, " The woman says, holding the bright bulb to your eyes, you don't even flinch nor do you follow it. You stare straight ahead, blanked out, and feeling out of place.

Jimin watches you worriedly, fearing that if he says one more word, you might actually just break. Sicheng is shoved into the car, handcuffed with angry tears falling down his face while before slamming his head into the car window repeatedly and screaming.

"Y/n!" Hendary calls you yet again, but you don't respond, holding onto your blanket as you finally make your decision.

"I think we need to take her to the hospital, " The woman says, " The shock has overtaken her system and it's delaying her responses. A night at the hospital should be enough to-"

"That's not necessary, " You mumble, shaking your head as you finally blink, " I'm leaving."

Jimin nods, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and gesturing you to your feet. Instead of following his league, he watches as you remain planted on your ground and not taking a step further.

"Not with you, " You whisper.

And just like that, Jimin knew. He knew things between both of you just will never be the same. The pain that Jimin was feeling right now was excruciating, he has been going through the worst rollercoaster of emotions and this was most defiantly the worst thing that could happen at this very moment.

"Okay, " Hendary steps in, " I will-"

"Not with you either, " You interrupt.

They both stare in shock, the woman looking at you worriedly. It remains silent again, your vision filled with blue siren lights, you reach into your back pocket, licking your bottom lip gently before taking your phone and gently pushing Jimin out the way.

He frowns.

Before watching you walk away into the night alone.

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