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Jimin stares down at his black and blue poorly taken cared of knuckles. He sits on his counter, waiting upon the arrival of his mother and he begins to think to himself. Jimin was so confused - and he had never in his life ever felt this way.

One day his growling and snapping angrily that you have to be so emotionally dependent on people that he found it annoying.

He found you annoying.

But now he understands why. No matter how hard the man tries to forget the fear within your eyes - he can't. What made it even worse was that you and Jimin are the same.

You are both Zombies.

The both of you walk around with a target already drawn to you. Even if you personally have done nothing wrong - if you are a Zombie, they classify you as a killer.

And Jimin gets upset.

You are not a killer. God, the man doesn't even think that you are capable of even killing a fly. Well unless it's really annoying. At the party, when that lunatic was busy throwing dirt on your name, Jimin slowly but surely begin to lose his mind. Anger beginning to flow through his brain.

He remembers how the classmate basically bragged about how he almost saved everyone from dying when he almost killed you.

He was actually bragging.

Jimin tried to keep to himself but as soon as the boy started to playfully mock the way you looked on the floor while everyone was coming at your head. It was as if all hell broke lose.

And in a split second- Jimin already had a fist connected to his head. His fists flying so fast that his vision begin to blur and all he could see was black. Everything in that moment went black and all he could comprehend was just how angry he was.

The doorbell rings through Jimin's lonesome apartment. He began to drag his feet towards the door, already dreading to see his mother. His small hand wraps around the doorknob, twisting gently before releasing a sigh.

The door flies open and so do Jimin's eyes.

"Park Jimin, " She grits.

Jimin grimaced, " Mother."


"Have you spoken to Jimin?"

You asked as you sat by the large study table. Jungkook pushes his hair gently from his eyes before looking up at you. This was the fourth time this weekend that you've asked the man if he had spoken to Jimin. Jungkook looked at your worried state before shaking his head.

As his about to answer your question verbally - you asked another question.

"When was the last time you heard from him?"

Jungkook opens his mouth once more but then you continue.

"Are you not worried??"You subject, "Because I am."

You admit. It has been a week. You've been going to school - with teachers watching you like a hawk and people glaring at you in disgust. But all of that didn't even bother you as all you were thinking was about Park Jimin.

He didn't come to school.

Instead, Yoongi would accompany you - in fact, his been driving you to school instead of Jimin. But you were worried.

So worried it was literally making you sick to the stomach.

"Y/n, " Jungkook says softly, " I promise you Jimin is fine. He just wants his space."

But there's a gut feeling telling you that his not.


Jimin still sat on top of the kitchen counter. Placing his hands in his hoodie pocket - just so his mother would stop asking questions.

"I was hoping you would want to come to Busan during your break, "

"Mom, "He sighs.

Jimin hated Busan. The memories, all of them had to be horrid. And as much as he wanted to say there were good memories - there wasn't. His mother hated Zombies whilst all his Father did was adore them.

Jimin's father studied the nature of Zombies - and quite frankly, Jimin looked up to his father so much that he fell in love with Zombies too.

"I am not going back to Busan."

He watches with boredom as his mother places her bag on to the counter before darting towards the man's fridge. The light illuminated her face and she carefully skims through the neatly packed fridge. She pulls out tomatoes and feta - just as she reached into the corner for some mushrooms, her hand accidentally grabs a container.

She drops everything in her hand and gasps.

"Why the fuck do you have this?"She snaps.

Jimin rolls his as he watches his mother hold out the see through container. Which enclosed chopped bits of brain. His mother felt a wave of betrayed flow though her - her son, was not a monster. No matter what happens Jimin will always be her baby boy. Her only child.

"You are not a Zombie. You are not a disgusting organ eating animal, " She grits." Do you want to end up like your father? What the hell has gotten into you."

"Mom!"He snapped, " When are you going to get it through your dense mind that I am a Zombie. But I am also your child - how could you blatantly compare me, your son. To an animal?"

He doesn't understand. His mother was there when he got scratched. His mother was the one who was by his side when they fed him brains to get him at normal human behaviour. And yet she still denys the fact that her son was another form of being.

Dead or not - Jimin still had feelings.

And the fact that his own mother was denying him hurt him way than she knew. He gets that she's in denial but he would hope by now the woman would be more understanding and accepting.

Clearly not.

How dare she even bring up his fathers name in this conversation?

Anger begins to boil in the pits of Jimin's stomach.

"I am so sick of this, " He snorts, " Get out."

"You should come to Busan."She says, " It's his anniversary in a few weeks and I want you to be emotionally prepared."

Jimin's heart breaks and he can feel the lump form in his throat. Tears form in his eyes before he stands up and walks calmly to the entrance of his apartment.

"Get out, " He croaks.

Just like that - the walls that he had been building, have come tumbling down.

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