Fifty Three

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Jimin sticks his head into the fridge, trying to find some snacks for both of you

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Jimin sticks his head into the fridge, trying to find some snacks for both of you. He was still feeling a little warm from the shower you guys shared, which resulted in him walking around shirtless.

The mansion was quiet, all family members fast asleep besides the both of you.

As the loud russling sounds were made, he tries to find anything.

"Aren't there any strawberries and chocolate or something?"

He glances towards you, the hickey's cover your neck while your hair lays loose over shoulders, his shirt covers you whole while you wore warm sweatpants.

"There's yogurt? " Jimin suggests as he pulls out a large tub, you give him a nod, watching him place the container on the isle before reaching towards the drawers and taking out two spoons.

You sigh, taking the spoon from while he sits comfortably beside you. You scoop the smooth and creamy substance onto the curvage of your spoon, reaching it over to Jimin's lip. His eyes widen for a second before his lips open to eat the yogurt. You giggle when you see some at the corner of his lips, already allowing your thumb to wipe away the bits and licking them off your finger.

"I love it here, " You whisper, " Busan is such a different vibe compared to Seoul. It's such a pity that after tomorrow we'll be leaving."

Jimin shrugs, " We can stay an extra day or two if you want."

You bring a full spoon to your lips, pulling a thinking expression. As much as you want to stay in your little Jimin bottle - you had family waiting for you back at home.


Oh fuck, did you miss your best friend. It's been so long since both of you have ever separated like this. You two were inseparable, the text messages weren't really enough and as much as you love Jimin or Jungkook. You just want to see Jennie - you mentally wish for a raining night, just so she can sleep in your room while you guys watch Netflix together. It feels like it's been an eternity since you've done that with her.

You've been so invested with Jimin, and she was a lot more focused her schooling and Jungkook - as well as taking care of her mental being... Sometimes you pray that no distance will be created between the two of you, you know your bond with her is strong but you still couldn't help but think about it.

Jimin watches as you zone out, shoulders bump into your gently before chuckling under his lips.

"What's on your mind, my little angel."

You bite on your lip, shrugging your shoulders, " I just miss Jennie."

He playfully rolls his eyes, " You're such a big baby."

"I'm not, " You pout.

"Are too."

"Am not."

"Just look at you." He pouts, placing his spoon down on the counter before cupping your face.

Your lips and cheeks become squashed, he kisses you over and over. Placing soft pecks continuously on you. You laugh at his gesture, gently pushing him away while he giggles against your lips and doesn't even stop to try.

Jimin's mother stands around the corner, hands balled into fists as she listened to the happy commotion that was currently happening within her kitchen. Her heart clenches, becoming painfully swollen as the laughs and giggles remind her of her late husband.

It was a fresh air of nostalgia. One she has never experienced since the death of the father of her child. She feels warm for a second, but it then hits her.

He's gone - and he's never coming back.

Every day of her life, her mind remembers his blood dripping from her hands, every single time she has a mere thought of Jimin, her mind would flash with haunting memories that would cause her to just cause her heart to turn to stone. She was blaming Jimin for something that he was beyond his control.

She hates Zombies.

So fucking much - and the fact that she was related to one made her blood boil to such an extend that it caused her to hate her own child. She refuses to allow him to move on.

She refuses to allow him to be happy.

Not after everything she's been put through.

"Don't you two need to be in bed?" She snapped, walking into the kitchen with her arms crossed over her chest, " You are aware that we leave at 8-"

"Yeah yeah, " Jimin interrupts, "Baby, we can go finish this in the bedroom."

You nod, standing to your feet before pushing the chair in. Jimin's mother just watches as the both of you calmly walk away, small ushers of words shared between with you. Jimin holds the yogurt container in one hand, while the other wraps around your shoulder as you guys walkout.

Jimin ignores his mother almost completely, and you try and ignore the weird tension that you had experienced yet again. You weren't going to mention the encounter - simply because Jimin was clearly in a good mood and he was trying to keep it that way.

"Look at you son, " She whispers to herself, " Acting like he never lost a father."

She shakes her head, running a hand through her hair as the tears well in her eyes.

"He killed you - but he still roams around free while you lay six feet under." She cries, " What have we created? What have you created? I wish he wasn't mine. He wouldn't have pushed you to find that stupid cure - because you would still be here."

"You would still be here."

Jimin cradles you in his arms, hand laying in your head comfortably as you rest your head on his naked chest while your arms and legs wrap themselves around him. You breathe in his scent, the wave of no anxiety hitting your chest as you feel yourself slowly unwind.

It's the good moments you will cherish.

"Jimin, "

You whisper, Jimin feels himself slipping into a well-needed sleep, he hums a response - you hear how tired he is. And a delicate kiss is placed on his chest as you smile to yourself.

"I love you."

"I love you too, " He replies, kissing your forehead subconsciously.

You cuddle more into his chest, releasing a sigh as you think about the night before just for a brief second.

Always cherish the good times.

I'm dragging this book and I'm sorry, it's safe to say a good 3 to 4 chapters left. I already have the Epilogue ready. I'm so sad and not ready to end this book. What a journey.


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