Forty Five

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Her voice was stern and causes you to freeze up in shock. Jimin's mother stands straight, adjusting her formal wear as she glared at her son - who was soaking wet, hair dripping from the water as the droplets glided down his face.

She watches as the both of your pull away from each other, Jimin doesn't even respond to her, not yet. Instead, he ignores her, helping you to your feet, you turn around to face the woman and Jimin wraps his arms around you to bring you some type of warmth due to the cold weather that took so long for the both of you to register.

"I'm surprised to see you here, " She grimaced, "With...her."

Her eyes...

There was something dark about them, triggering your fear so much that when Jimin said that she wasn't a good person, for a second you now believe him.

"Well you did ask me to come." He snaps.

You flinch at his tone, eyes dropping as his grip on you tightens. In that moment you can feel it, you can feel his anger start to bubble. Your mind traces back to the first time you ever met him - how furious, he was.

And the damage he had done...

You shudder in his embrace, allowing your fingers to rest on his forearm, hoping that it would give him some peace of mind.

"Well I thought you wouldn't be able to make it due to your condition."

She knew? She knew that her son was sick and she chose to ignore it? A frown travels down your face and you tilt her head. At this moment you could help but ask yourself, what the fuck? What kind of mother wouldn't come to their child's aid? Especially when they had arrived at the hospital, they were announced to be dead?

With no pulse?

Didn't it shake her up?

The thought of losing, what you presume to be her only child? You watch her shake her head, she looked disappointed almost, eyes scanning the both of you.

"Not to mention you are late. I told you that the family wants to meet you. Everyone has places to be - nobody wants to sit around waiting for you and your little..."

"Don't fucking say it."

You don't like it. Not one bit. The air around these two had your skin crawling. You didn't want to judge him, really you didn't. But this situation wasn't healthy.

From what you've heard about her to what you're seeing...

"You better watch your tongue the second you walk into that door or God shall help me-"

"What?" Jimin cocks his eyebrow, " What are you going to go to do? Kill me the same you killed Dad."

"No?" She says with a puzzled expression, " You and I both know you did that all on your own."

And there it was. Your biggest fear was thrown in your face like it was nothing. She didn't even know your name, the woman has yet to even acknowledge you - she hasn't even heard your voice, and yet she already hates you.

Jimin's jaw clenches, as his lips open to let out.

"For the last time. I'm not a monster. When will you get it through that dense head of yours-"

"Are you stupid?" She laughs, you wince at her harshness, " Our country has thousands of people dying per week because of your kind, honey, you may think your normal but you are not. You're disgusting and bloodthirsty. With the intention to slaughter."

"Mom, "He whispers.

"Don't think I need you. Not for a second. If I had it my way - you would've never woken up in that damn hospital. I would choose to never see you again."

"Stop it, " You whisper, "Please stop."

Tears well in your eyes, feeling Jimin's arms slip to his sides. This situation was so heartbreaking - it was not normal. This then hits on how different both of you actually are. You grew up in a home with love.

Jennie was the sister you always wanted, the support you had received from her parents - the love you have received from her parents made you who were today. You couldn't imagine growing up any differently.

Despite you being a Zombie - they raised you as their own. Treated you the same as they had treated Jennie.

Even though so many things have happened to you because of your physical status, you were hopeful. Hopeful that some people would be different - for some people to at least be kind.

It was stupid. People would always preach about they are anti-racist, anti-sexist or even anti-homophobia. They all want to talk about rights and how everyone needs to be equal. And yet the second they look at you?

"Hurry up, "

She turned on the heel of her foot and instantly makes her up the stairs that lead to the entrance of the massive household, the door slams shut - while the ache in your chest grows. You've never encountered such a person. But you out your anxiety aside, eyes lingering to anywhere as you turn around to look at Jimin.

This moment alone has painted the picture for you.

"Jimin, " You mutter

He stares forward. Not even giving a glance of reassurance. His face was blank, eyes dark - casting an empty emotion as he feels the rush. The urge burning at his fingertips. Jimin balls his fists, forcing himself to take hurried deep breaths as if he was trying to calm down.

Your frown grows deeper, wrapping your arms around him, resting your head on his chest. Jimin wants to shove you off. He wanted to tell you that this was a waste of time all along and get into that Rover and drive off.

The truth was, he was too scared to look. This was his reality and he feared that something would change. He didn't want change.

He didn't like change.

"I'm here, " You whisper, hoping it would somewhat calm him down, your hands move in a soothing manner on his back.

Tears well in his eyes, jaw unclenching as his head drops. You watch him sink into your arms and you waste no time in holding him as he's arms wrapped around you.

He was shaking, taking deep breathes to calm him while you kissed the top of his head.

"I'm right here."

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