Thirty Seven

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^*hi,  June 8th here, can you wish me happy birthday before you start reading?🥺👉🏽👈🏽pweese?❤️

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^*hi,  June 8th here, can you wish me happy birthday before you start reading?🥺👉🏽👈🏽pweese?❤️

SMUT WARNING ( skip chapter if you're not comfortable)

Maybe it was the way he was looking at you. The vulnerability held within his gaze that had allowed you to fall into a pile of butterflies. Or maybe it was the sound of his voice, the weakness in him making it sound like he was on the verge of falling apart. However, maybe it was the way his hand comfortably laid on your skin under your sweatshirt without you flinching away from his grasp.

Your mind flash from times Jimin would disappear and come back to you. You remember when he came just to sleep by your side, or when he had a good grip on your thighs as you kissed over and over. Or the day he came over and put hickeys all over your neck.

It wasn't a crime, really it wasn't.

But you were scared that maybe you and him might be moving too fast. It was the look in his face that was making you actually contemplate the whole thing. Jimin said he needs you. Right here, right now. And you can't really push him away because you need him more. The thought of him, not the there makes you dizzy and now you know for sure that you were never going to let him go.

Your lips attach themselves to his, moving painfully slow as you wait for him to adjust. Jimin lays flat on his back, with you adjusting your legs so that your knees are bent on either side of his body. His lips were so plump again yours, soft against as yours while Jimin could taste the mint gum that you had chewed earlier.

His tongue grazes upon your bottom lip, head tilting as he waits for you to grant him a person as your fingers laced into his hair and tugged. Jimin flips you over, his body lifting off of you while you try and take deep breaths, he pulls the string of the hospital gown - pulling it off before remaining in his black boxers. Jimin watches as you become shy, eyes traveling down his toned body while your lips remained pursed.

His hands hook under your sweater, and you put up no fight as Jimin pulls it over your head and pushes you gently back down to lay flat on your back. Before he throws the thin blanket over til his waist and leaning back to your lips once again. The room was beginning to spin and you can feel yourself begin to melt into his touch.

Jimin pushes his hips into you, hands finding their way to your skirt zip at the back, but Jimin lifts your ass before giving them a gentle squeeze. You moan into his mouth and Jimin takes the golden opportunity to finally slip his tongue in. His wet muscle moves in your mouth, finding a matching rhythm with yours as his tongue gently massaged yours.

He feels your legs wrap around his pushing his core against your naked one. You grind against him, your body now awake as you feel your level of arousal rise. Your walls clenched around nothing and that's when you whimper into his mouth. Jimin moves his hips in small circles, lips finding their way to your neck reattaching themselves to your fading love bites.

"Jimin, " You cry, his fingers unclipping your bra and hastily throwing it to the side.

Jimin pulls away from you, heavy breathes leaving both of you. He stares at you, lips swollen and wet from your saliva. The man stops his hips and that when you feel yourself slowly lose touch with reality. Your body was becoming overly sensitive to everything he was doing. Goosebumps layer your skin when you feel his hand trace along with your knee, steadily moving upwards to your entrance.

His eyes stay locked with yours, hands moving passed your stretch marks before placing his index a forefinger on your clitoris. Jimin watches as your eyes flutter shut, moving his fingers in slow circlular movements.

As your eyes roll to the back of your head, your small gasps and moans calling for him. Jimin couldn't help but capture this memory and print it in his mind forever. A new appreciation for your grows tonight and he was enjoying it. Your body erupts with butterflies, euphorical emotions taking over as the feeling of his finger moving against your ball of nerves move, with your hips continuously bucking and your lips calling his name quietly into the room.

This was when you become mentally thankful that Jimin had a room all to himself.

His fingers stop, and you whine in complaint. Jimin moves his hand lower, feeling your natural lubricant coat his fingers with a thick layer.

"Jimin, " You moan, grinding against him for some kind friction.

Your nails find their way to the back of his neck and back, scratching for some kind comfort. He pulls his underwear down, hands instantly trailing. Under your ribcage, one hand cups your breast while the other balances on the side of your head. His fingers massage the erected nub, causing your body to arch into him. The head of his members brushes passed your moisture, the ache in the pit of your stomach burned and you were becoming desperate.

"P-please, " You whine, eyes rolling to the back of your head his lips lay gentle kisses on your neck, " Jimin."

That was it. That was all he needed for him to steadily push himself into you. Your walls clenched around him, the world faltering around the both of you as you pull him into a desperate kiss. His hips move a slow rheumatic pattern, gut-wrenching pleasure rushing through you as your nails dig even deeper into his back.

Your moans echoed under your breath and for the first time in such a long time. Jimin felt needed, he felt wanted. Something in him snapped and can't help but even feel loved. Your hands tugged at him, legs wrapped around his waist as he gave you strong yet slow strokes.

"Good, " You gasp against his lips."So good."

Your praises keep him going, his hips moving at such a pace that it felt overwhelming. It felt so good, being so close to him as butterflies erupted upon your nerves. The feeling was so intimate, so emotionally touching that Jimin can't help but give you his all. His pushes himself deeper into you, moans gradually getting higher as his heavy breaths ring into your ear. 

Jimin captures your lips yet again, now massaging your nipples more desperately and that's when you felt the pressure from the pits of your stomach get tight. Your toes curl, sinking deeper into the bed as you feel the flutter of your orgasm hitting your like a truck. His lips make their way to your earlobe, licking it gently as he whispers sweet words into your ear.

His member moves faster, brushing passed your walls so well that Jimin moans at how wet you were.

"I love you, " He whispers, the words slipping from his lips before he can even stop him.

You clutch onto him tighter, squealing once your high knocks the wind out of you completely. Jimin shudders as he feels his reaching point. He drops into your embrace, taking deep breaths as you try to calm down. You keep your arms around him, kissing his head gently as you feel him pull out.

"I love you too, "

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