Thirty Eight.

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^*i can't wait to wake up to hundreds of notifications 🥺

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^*i can't wait to wake up to hundreds of notifications 🥺

When morning came, you were still in bed. Sound asleep with his hoodie as well as the legging shorts that you had underneath your skirt was on whilst Jimin remained in his underwear. After last night, you fell asleep almost immediately - Jimin encouraged you to get dressed in case the doctor came in first thing the morning...but you were just too tired as Jimin dressed you himself.

Then blanket was barely even warm but you made sure to pull it up to your neck while your chest laid on his chest as you remained in deep sleep. And Jimin couldn't help but think about the night before. From the neediness in your voice to your addicting sweet lips. Or the sounds you made whenever he touched you...

For the first time in a long time. The man felt peak happiness, the intimacy in the room had touched him and he couldn't help but tell you that he loves you. And yet he couldn't find any mistake in telling you that, you brought out the best in him and that was enough for Jimin to fall. But Jimin felt nervous, the man did promise to tell you everything and he wasn't planning on lying.

Especially after the way you reacted after his little white lie earlier was enough to know that you don't tolerate such.

He feels your arm move, Jimin looks down at your sleepy self, hand brushing your white hair out of your face while you rested your hand upon his chest. The door opens and incomes to the doctor with a white robe and Jimin's medical file. The woman smiles and Jimin return it as he lifts his hand to rest on the back of his head.

"Mr. Park, I'm glad to see you're well." She smiles, " You gave your friends quite a fright yesterday."

Jimin nods awkwardly, watching the woman open his file, eyes scanning for something while you laid on naked chest.

"I am going to be straightforward with you." She says, " You need to eat."

"When I ran the tests for you, I was really shocked with the results. Apart from the fact that you're a Zombie, the minimum requirements that you need for you to live a basic life aren't even met. You are extremely lucky that this hospital has supplies, if not. You would've been dead." She sighs, looking at him worriedly, " If you don't mind me asking. It's not a weight issue, is it?"

Jimin gets hit with whiplash and his eyebrows furrow, " No that's not it."

He wasn't really planning on telling his doctor about his personal life. She was not a therapist and Jimin felt as if it was completely out of place - nor does he trust her to even tell her. She looks at Jimin with expectancy, waiting for him to give another reason but Jimin doesn't. She unclips a piece of paper from the file and walks over to his side and handing it towards him.

"This is your food intake levels, we need to get you to level seven but I can't force such a large diet on you especially after so long of depriving your body of the right nutrition. A level at a time for three weeks should be enough time to get you stable again, "

He takes the paper from her.

"Maybe your girlfriend can help you. You will be discharged today but I highly request you to make monthly visits for checkups. And please rest, your body is too weak right now to take any stress."

You twist and turn, eyes fluttering open as you muzzle yourself into his chest.

"Thank you, " He says, nodding her off.

The Doctor grabs her files as walks out as you stir awake.

"Someones finally awake, " Jimin teases, and you blush under his watch, avoiding his face as you place your head in such a way that he can't see your puffy morning face.

"We still need to talk, " You remind him, your hand drawing a gentle circle on his chest.

He didn't really expect you to forget. But the man couldn't get over how nervous he was. The last time he spoke about this was to Jungkook. He never really that comfort within him to tell anybody else. You listen to him fall quite and Jimin tried to gather his thoughts.

"Where do I even start?"He whispers.

"From the very beginning." You reply.

Jimin bites his lip at your gentle tone, hand settling on top of your head before taking a deep breath.

"My Dad was a man who was very interested in Biology, Physics, and Chemistry. It was his passion for as long as I could remember."

Your mood saddens when you feel him use past tense.

"One of his greatest passions was Zombies, " Jimin chuckles when he remembers his childhood, " Him and I were fairly close. I was practically with him all the time especially when he made his experiments. It was all so cool to watch. Until one day he said he thought he might've found a cure for Zombism but I wasn't there with him that day."

A cure? For Zombism? You've never really gotten far. Ever since you've moved to Seoul and the prejudice against your kind made you wish so hard that you were human. You always wondered how it would feel to be something that wasn't really hated. But after a long chat with Jennie, she had told you that no matter what.

Society is always going to judge and there's absolutely nothing you could do about it.

"He got himself infected but because his immune system was so weak - he got affected too quickly to get the antidote, "Jimin's grip becomes tighter on you, " All I remember was my mother's screams, things breaking and shattering as I made my way home. My mom begged me to leave - to get out of there but I don't why I didn't listen. My father attacked me out of nowhere and I don't really remember much after that."

You hear his voice crack and you instantly look up at him, eyes filled with tears while his noise shaded a light pink, you fix your posture, eyes filled with worry as you wait for him to continue talking.

"My mom told me that my father died and that I was the reason for it." He gulped, " She told me if only I had stayed away from him when he did his research then maybe he would've listened to her after she told him to give it up. She called me disgusting, told me I should be ashamed of myself and that I shouldn't be seen by the public because I was a-"

"Because you were what?" You whisper, eyes searching his, and Jimin breaks down.

"Because I was a disgrace." He cried, " After that day, I left Busan with Jungkook. His mother was really helpful with our move and she's helped me a lot with me settling in Seoul. Some of my dad's fortune was in my name and that the only way I can make it here."

Jimin hiccups, while you wipe away his tears.

"She made me hate myself in a way nobody will truly understand."

She made me so angry, Jimin wanted to say, so furious that I was on the wrong path my first year of Seoul.

"That's why I don't eat what I should" He confesses, "She was here earlier this month and it was a sickening reminder. She judges me all the time and I couldn't get her voice out of my head. And then she would call me and I would fall apart all over again."

You peck his lips, eyes opening slowly when you pull away, your thumb brushes away the falling tear. When you said you wouldn't judge him you meant it.

"When I said I'm not going to judge you, I meant it." You shake your head, " I'm not her."

I'm not her.

Jimin chuckled in amusement, shaking his head while a small smile laced on his lips.

"You're amazing you know?"

And you kiss him once again before mumbling into his lips.

"I know."

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