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The man stood by the door, eyes enlarged as he scanned over the bright living room. The television was still brightly lit and he takes note that somebody was here.

He takes out his phone, double-checking he was at the right address before continuing to walk into the apartment. He hears your heavy breathes, eyes darkening whilst adjusting the bright television light. His feet move across the floor silently. Eyes hooking onto the shadows and trying to look for a specific one.

More specifically your shadow.

His eyes dance along to the kitchen, listening carefully to movements before hearing a shuffling sound on the sofa, he adjusts his gloves and moves his mask to hide he has. When he sees your figurine on the couch, his hands aggressively grab your face and you jolt awake.

The hand was large, covering a portion of your face and mostly your nose. Your hands attempt to grab the hand but the man pulls you up before aggressively shoving you the floor. You whimper at the pain, staring up at the man as he was dressed in black. His eyes are dark and murderous.

"You disgust me!" He angrily screams, stomping angrily towards you, you shuffle fast, back pressing against the wall as you cry.

But he doesn't seem phased by your emotions, the anger causing his hands to shake.



Tears well in your eyes as he spits the words at you, and no matter how you try to ignore it - you hear Jimin's voice echo in the back of your head. You couldn't help but wonder if you actually are just that. Pathetic. His hands aggressively interlock with your hair and he pulls harshly. Your screams get louder as the horrifying suffering burned onto your scalp.

Jimin drives up the road, steadily. Drinking his coffee slowly while watching the full moon takes up a large portion in the sky. It was dark - but there were different types of clouds occupying the beautiful blanket of stars and he can't help but feel at peace. When your apartment finally comes into view, his anxiety settles and he prepares himself to get to you and see you okay.

The man straddles you, hands wrapped around your neck with pressure, forcing the air circulation to your head to stop. You claw at his arms, shoving and kicking your legs as much as possible. But no matter what - it wasn't enough.

Death was at your fingertips, a dark cloud hovering over your vision, feeling unstable and frightened. His eyes beam with satisfaction as watches your features lose a life and your eyes hesitantly begin to flutter shut.

You gasp as you hear a car pull up outside of your apartment. Jimin collects the nuggets and the coffee while locking his car in the process. While walking up the stairway leading towards your door, he stops himself when he hears shuffling sounds but causes his attention to hook the most was the door.

Which was slightly open. Jimin can't help but frown.

If Jungkook and Jennie were still here they wouldn't leave the door open. But Jennie's car was nowhere in sight whereas Jungkook's car is coming back sometime tomorrow. He mentally prepares himself to scold at you for leaving the door open. But when he pushes the door open, Jimin feels himself run cold.

The man continues to apply more pressure to your neck and Jimin hastily shoves the heavy man off of you. You gasp, feeling the adrenaline and the air rush into your head as well as lungs. A huge emotion of relief comes over your system and you instantly start to cry. But you can't acknowledge Jimin beating the man to the pulp as you struggle to breathe on your own.

Jimin feels the anger build within him, his zombie side overcoming him and he can't help but see black as his body strength multiplied.

"Jimin, " You whimper as you scramble to your feet."Stop."

He pins the man against the wall, panting hard as he watches the man's eye begin to go swell up. Jimin pulls the mask off of his head and his eyes widen in shock.

"You again?"Jimin spat, before shoving him to the ground, " You never learn, do you?"

Your eyes open up in horror as you see the familiar face from the party. This is the second time these boys have had a physical altercation.

The boy spits at Jimin, licking his bloody lips before smirking and glancing towards you.

"What is she? Your girlfriend?"

"Sicheng I will beat your ass!"

"I'm going to kill her, " He laughs, your face flushes with worry and he looks at you with a devious smile on his face, " One day - I am going to kill you and your little bodyguard won't be here to protect you. Mark my words."

"Y/n call the cops, "Jimin calmly says, " My phone is in my back pocket. Be quick."

And you did.


"Was this the first time he has assaulted you?"

You stare at your shaky hands. While Jimin was outside looking at the cop's vehicle with Sicheng at the back, in cuffs. His phone pressed by his ear as he called Jungkook for the fifth time.

"Bro some wild shit just happened - can you just pick up the fucking phone?"

"No, "You reply, " He has had his moments at school but I've never thought he would actually come and try to kill has never gone that far. Ever."

"Okay, " The lady smiles gently, she attempts to reach for your hand but you flinch away from her touch, " I would like to apologize on his behalf. Truly this is the most disgusting thing I've come across since the outbreak and because of this I'm going to ask you to add more precautions so things like this won't happen again."

"Please up your security, add burglar bars as well as sensors."

"But what about school?" You say, " I can't just go."

"Always have someone with you, " She smiles, " Your boyfriend seems like the perfect person to be with."

You nod your head, completely not in a mood to debate while walking her towards the front door to see Jimin ready to walk in. Your arms find their way to his waist and you instantly pull him close once again. Jimin wraps his arms around your shoulders, feeling your tears and panic attack start to rise.

And this time he didn't swear you.

Jimin whispers into your ear, hand entangling in your air while pushing the front door and saying farewell to the officer.

And instead of getting angry.

Your anxiety attack subsidies.

Your tears come to a halt.

And fall in peace.

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