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You walk down the hallways hurriedly, your face staring at the floor — attempting to not run into anyone.  The stares of your classmates got you .

Some even twisting their faces in disgust.

They probably think that you're a monster.

A shudder rattled through you as you felt the stares burn into your body. The whispers almost haunting you and nearly causes you just want to disappear.

The Nostalgia hits you and you remember your early high school days.

Whispers and laughters — the pointing as they all stared at the walking dead .

As they all stared at a monster.

Your breathing is cut short as you immediately dart into your favourite teacher's classroom. Locking the door behind you and instantly falling to your knees.

Deep breaths.

You close your eyes and try to picture Jennie here but the shouting outside the door distracts you.

"Did you hear the news? Why the fuck would she pop up here?"A voice calls out,"She's probably like the rest of those animals and wants us to be killed."

"Y/N has been nothing but nice to you for last 2 years and now you going to call her an animal?"The deep calm voice echoes and it was almost as if the whole school falls silent.

The calm before the storm.

"Fuck nice!" A scream echoes." She is going to kill us! A brain hungry Zombie in a building filled with humans! What the fuck is going to stop her from smashing my scalp against the floor and eating my brains — or even yours Yoongi!"

The door started to shake aggressively and shouts and your heart rattled and you can only stare at the door . The lock barely holding it together. The screams turn into chants and you could only grow more fearful.


"A killer."

"I-I don't want to kill anyone!"You shout.

They ignore you , the door aggressively swings forward and in comes in a crowd of angry students. It doesn't even take a second before things are thrown at you. Yoongi tried to push people out of your way but they shove him aggressively and you shake in fear. Cowering into yourself and close your eyes the closer they get.

Your head is aggressively shoved as a book is thrown at you. You scream and call for help but it gets ignored.

The bell rings and you could only hope and pray that Mrs Choi walks in and stop everything.


Jimin runs his hand through his hair , sunglasses balanced on the tip of his noise. He walks slowly and patiently despite the fact that he was late.

The hallways were empty and he couldn't help the uncomfortable feeling that he couldn't get out of his system.


The fear in your eyes after he his hand barely brushed passed your skin really had him thinking.

A loud rackus startled him and he begins to see a crowd facing inward to his English classroom. Interest hits him and scurries closer to the crowd.

Jimin stands on his toes and removes his glasses.

"What's going on?"

"Y/N is getting attacked . People are angry about the Zombie outbreak — and I guess they are taking it out on her."


Jimin's jaw locks and he immediately see's red. The man aggressively shoved between the angry and closely behind him he see's a glimpse of teachers walking fast but it was already too late. Jimin gets to the front and see's Yoongi barely able to stop the angry front liners.

The girl screams as she shakes Yoongi to get him to move. The anger was evident in the man's eyes but refuses to lay his hand on her.

As Jimin grows closer to you. His ears block out the angry shouts and times slows down as he hears your sobs.

You were crying so hard that your throat was in pain and your screams came out hoarse. Your eyes screwed shut as you awaited for the next hit to come.

The anger starts off slow.

"Touch her one more time,"Jimin shouts.

The halls fall silent and they watch his fists begin to shake. Jimin can feel his monster side coming up but refuses to let it takeover. Your eyes begin open up and you see a space open up between Yoongi and the crowd. His voice echoes through you and it causes you to whimper.

"I dare you."

Your classmates step away and Jimin instantly kneels down to you.

"What in the world is going on here?"

The children stay quiet as Mrs Choi shakes her head at the sight. The principal walks in as Mrs Choi kneels down to you as you shake — hesitant for people to touch you.

But you needed a hug.

You needed Jennie.

Jimin see's as you flinch from Mrs Choi's touch. Your eyes dart to his and it doesn't take long until your arms are wrapped tightly around him. The principal shout at the kids, holding a paper in his hand as he forced the kids to all confess their names.

But his voice gets washed out as your mind was practically pulsing from your rapid thought.

How could they?

It's not your fault that you are a Zombie. You have never once done anything to these classmates so that they could feel as if their lives are in danger. You've always been nice and cared for everybody else's well-being.

But that all doesn't matter just because they are wild Zombies on the kill.

Those Zombies are the real monsters.

And yet here you were— being labelled to be something you are not.

And you almost had to pay the price— again.

With your life — again.

Jimin's arms wrap around you and immediately tighten your grip as your sobs don't seem to slow down.

"P-please get me out of here."You sob,"Please."

Jimin nods his head , with his grip still tight on you — he hurriedly pushes passed the crowd . Taking note of the faces in the crowd for future references.

"Jennie,"You cry,"Please take me to Jennie."

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