Twenty Four

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"I don't want to be here?"

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"I don't want to be here?"

Jimin walks side by side with you, down the school hallway. People have kept their distance- thankfully. But their eyes were burning holes into you. You wanted to flinch and turn around and walk out of the school. Everyone has most probably heart about what happened, and your anxiety did not appreciate the attention at the moment.

You can't help but push yourself into Jimin's arm. His hoodie covering him well. Jimin glances at your nervous self and doesn't hesitate to wrap his arm around your shoulders and pulling you into him.

"Hey bro, " a voice says, Jimin watches as Yoongi walks in - wearing his basketball uniform with a headband pushing his hair out of his face.

Yoongi greets you with a soft nod and you just return it with a gentle smile.

"I'm glad to see you're okay, " He says, you smile before looking at Jimin.

You point at the blank heavy canvas on his arm and urge for him to hand it over. Your class was just down the hall, and if you speed walk just fast enough. You will make it without any altercations whatsoever.

"I will walk you to English as soon as Visual is done, " He nods before handing you the canvas and moving a piece of your hair away from your face."Try and not be so on edge today, you will be okay."

You nod in agreement, and Jimin watches you take a step away and continuing to walk away hurriedly. You literally scurried, ducking your head as you practically ran across into the door. Once your small frame walks into the door, Jimin releases a sigh he didn't even realise he was holding.

"You okay?" Yoongi questions.

"I'll fine, "

"How has she been holding up?"

Jimin blinks at Yoongi. He doesn't know what to say. Despite him always being there at a moment of crisis. The man has no idea how to describe if you're happy or just pretending to be fine. Jimin can protect him physically. But emotionally? He doesn't really think that his capable. Yoongi watches as Jimin falls blank and doesn't let the words stop from falling from his mouth.

"You can't do it on your own, "

"What?" Jimin questions as he finally snaps back into reality, " Why not?"

"Jimin - she is a zombie."

Jimin rolls his eyes before snapping, " I'm aware. Thanks."

"You can only do so much protecting, " Yoongi whispers, looking around the hallway and carefully picking his words, " You will never always be there for her. You have your own life to live. You can't always sideline it just to focus on her. Like right now - she's in Visual. And you're not there. What if something happens? Then you'll have another anger outrage. And last time I checked. You're practically on probation."

Right. Another problem. Jimin was a returning student. He had his fair fights in the past. And they have gotten expelled. The only reason he agreed to even come back here was that he can get away from Busan - more specifically his mother. The one-woman his supposed to love but instead hates with everything that he has. Last time, Jimin didn't do anything crazy and he was left off the hook simply because he was defending you and was trying to avoid the situation.

If Jimin was to even raise his fist to anyone - he would be gone faster than you can say the word brains.

"We can help you, " Yoongi suggests, " Like right now - she's in Visual. Who takes visual? Soekjin. He is with her right now. English Literature she has us but what if she decides that she randomly wants to the Library? Namjoon can go with her."

"We are your best friends. Let us help you."


"You dyed your hair?"

Soekjin walks around your chair, holding his personalized pink paintbrush set. Already putting them neatly while preparing the paint on either side of his canvas.

"No, " You shyly reply while dipping your paintbrush and beginning your draft, "The Zombism took full effect and changed my hair to white."

"It suits you, " He smiles, " Really it does."

If you had working blood flow, your cheeks would sure be the deepest shade of red. But you shyly smile away and Jin shakes his head at your cuteness.

"How have things been between you and Jimin?"He questions. "Last time I saw you guys he was practically breathing down your neck like a vampire out for your blood."

"Even if he was a vampire - I don't think Jimin would be a fan of cold blood. He doesn't seem like the type."

Soekjin laughs at your joke, his laugh rings loudly through the classroom. Causing almost everyone to turn around and glare at you for interrupting the peaceful lesson. But he didn't care. His shoulders were bouncing constantly while he hit his knee over and over. Despite you trying to hide from the eyes of your classmates, Soekjin could care less.

You admired how carefree he was, you wished you were brave enough to be the same. But your anxiety could never.

"You're hilarious, " He laughs, finally calming down from his fest.

You just glance at him every few seconds, the shy look still marking your face. Once the man starts on his canvas, you can't help but feel out of place yet again in the middle of the classrooms. The room was filled with mostly girls, and their whispers lightly heard as they spoke about anything.

But your brain couldn't ignore the gut feeling that all these girls were talking about you. They must've heard about what has happened because every once in awhile, you would glance up to see someone staring at you but only for them to abruptly look away.

Soekjin takes note of your silence, noting the girl who kept looking at you. He clears his throat before tilting his head to her direction.

"Excuse me, " He calls out, " Yes you. With the tacky blue sweater. Is there something you would like to get off of your chest?"

The girl's eyes widen before shaking her head.

"Jin please n-"

"No Y/n, " He interrupts, " You are not a fucking television. People shouldn't be looking at you like you're some kind of strange animal. If they want to fucking look they can start by paying you a subscription fee."

"I am sorry, " The girl mumbles before turning around in shame and continuing with her work.

"That's what I fucking thought."Jin mumbles.

You give him a nod of appreciation but you still can't help but feel exposed and unsafe. You appreciate Jin, really you do.

But you wished Jimin was here.

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