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"Let go of me."


You stood outside of Jimin's car. He's hands loose lying beside him as your arms squeezed him tight. Your breathing was still shaky — your head pressed against his chest.

"W-What if someone wants to hurt me?

"They won't hurt you because I'm here."Jimin sighs,"Now let go of me."

You take a deep breath before letting go of him slowly and stepping away from him slowly. Jimin watches you carefully.

"Go into the car and call Jennie,"

Without a fight. You scurry into Jimin's car, hands already searching for your phone as your eyes suddenly began to tear up once again.

It's been a while since you've acted this frantic. So long that all the nauseating emotions that settled in your system literally called for help— making yourself shudder as you could almost feel as if your about to pass out. Jimin watches through the window while his phone was held to his ear , waiting for Jungkook to pick up.

You on the other waited for Jennie to pick up.

Please pick up.


"You are literally such an idiot."Jennie scoffs.

Jungkook holds his chest in disbelief and stares up at the girl while she was in uniform.

"Me?"Jungkook snorts,"I'm far from an idiot."

Jennie laughs,"Then what are you?"

"The love of your life."


"For fuck sake Jeon can you pick up the phone for once."

Jimin paces back and forth and he tries to call Jungkook one more time. It wasn't really urgent but — Jimin was never the type to comfort others. The tears in your eyes caused him to panic and feel bad ... but he doesn't know what to do.

He can't hug you because you'll flinch away like you did earlier.

But then you were hugging him and he didn't understand if that was some kind of free pass to allow him to touch you but instead Jimin kept his hands to himself.

All he was thinking about was what the hell happened in that classroom. It made him shudder in fear as he felt afraid. Jimin was never the type to feel scared and yet here he was. Normal Zombies' lives' are in danger just because people think that they will get attacked.

The outrage coming from the society made his thoughts race.

They were going to kill you.

Despite you being the nicest , most loving and well known person in the entire school. Also having many "friends" within the Varsity— from freshmans to Seniors.

None of them have ever even seen you kill something as small as a fly . You wouldn't dare kill a whole human.

And yet despite all the good about you being known ...

They still wanted to kill you.

Jimin sighs. Seeing as Jungkook wasn't even going to pick up the phone. He pulls down his hoodie by his neck as he felt a breeze slip though. The sweat forces itself through his pores as he suddenly felt nervous knowing that there is chance that his life could be in the hands of another.

For something he couldn't even control.

"Okay,"He mumbles.

He opens the door of the car and sits in the seat . Jimin buckles his seatbelt — he glances as you and watches as you take your sweater and wipe away your tears constantly.

"Can you stop crying?"He says,"Geez it's already over with."

Your eyes furrow as your lift your head and tilt it slightly to face him.

"Seriously?"You croak,"I almost got killed today and all you can tell me is to stop crying?"

Jimin looks at her blankly , sighs before starting the car.

"You don't even know what I'm going through,"You sniff,"All my life — I've always been the odd one out."

"The Zombie one — the freak,"You wipe your tears,"You don't know how it feels for someone to look you in the eyes and tell you that you are a monster— even though you have done absolutely nothing to classify yourself as such."

"Constantly leaving the house knowing that there's a 50 percent fact of you not even coming home. Knowing that your life could be taken out of anger just because someone is angry that you are a Zombie."

"Jimin,"You say," I didn't chose to be a Zombie . It was not my choice."

"But why am I paying for it?"

"And the worst thing of it all is that — I can't even feel safe in my own safe haven. All my protectors now want to kill me just because they think I am going to kill them."

"So don't fucking tell me to stop crying."


The car stops right outside of your apartment. You don't even bother to even look Jimin's way as your grab your things and slam the door behind you. Jimin watches as you walk away slowly from the car and towards the door of your home.

Despite seeing the door slam shut and you no where in sight.

He couldn't find it in him to drive away.

The tears that leaked from your eyes caused an emotion Jimin was familiar with.


His mind flashes with all the faces that he could remember. If he leaves the situation be — all those people are just going to keep harassing you until they get what they want.

And that's you dead.

A smaller car pulls up in front of Jimin's car. Jennie and Jungkook happily laugh along in the car and Jimin still continues to mindlessly stare at them.

Jennie pushes Jungkook's hair back and kisses his nose — which causes the young man to scrunch up his face and bunny teeth immediately show. Jennie steps out the car and while Jungkook almost follows her behind. He see's Jimin and immediately goes to the Rover and enters in the passenger seat.

"You class isn't supposed be over until like one. Why are you here?"  

"Some stuff happened." Jimin shrugs,"But I am going to handle it."

Jungkook rolls his eyes,"Why do I feel like it's your fault."

"Trust me when I say it's not."

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